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七年级下册长江作业本参考答案 Unit 11 Section A 一、 学习导引 尝试1:played ,wanted, climbed 尝试2: danced, used 尝试3: worried, tried 尝试4: planned, dropped 二、即时训练1 1. 挤牛奶 2. 去钓鱼 3. 摘草莓 4. 骑马 5. 照相 6-10 CADBD 11-15 CFDAB Unit11 How was your school trip 三、即时训练2 1. 玩得愉快(had) 2. 学习关于… …(learned) 3. 住在… …(lived) 4. 爬山(climbed) 5. 喂鸡(fed) 6-10 DBCDB 11. Did ,ask , any 12. Yes , I did . 13. didn’t visit , in the countryside 14. How was your 15. What did , do Section B 一、学习导引 尝试:yesterday ;two days ago 二、即时训练3 1. 去博物馆 2. 参观消防站 3. 去乡下 4. 去艺术博物馆 5. 画画 6-10 DBBCB 11.Did ,buy any 12. didn’t know , could play chess . 13. What did ,see 14. were expensive 15. wasn’t interesting 三、即时训练4 1. 去郊游 2. 制作机器人模型 3. 下象棋. 4. 为… …买一些礼物 5. 有去… …的路上 6. 总的来说 7. 一点也不 8. 坐火车 9-13BBDDB 14. All in all , it is (was ) a lovely gift . 15. Are you interested in riding a horse ? 16. The teacher taught us how to learn English well . 17. I didn’t know you could play the violin so well . 18. My friend Eric went to school by bike yesterday . 学习评价 1-5 DCBCA 6-10 DACBC 11-15 BACDC 16-20 CACDC 21-25 ABCDA 26-30 DABAC 31-35 ABCCA 36-40 BBCAC 41. taught , how , make 42. took , photos , bought , for 43. interesting , wasn’t interested 44. Luckily , rain , came 45. showed , grew , from 46. All , exciting , fun 47-51BDAEG Last summer vacation , I went to my grandparents’ farm to visit them . I was very happy to see them . And I had so much fun there . In the day , I usually helped my grandparents feed the animals . It was great fun . At night they told me a lot of interesting stories . I think it is good to live in the countryside with my grandparents . I think I should do something for them . They are old . They need help . I will visit them more often . 七年级下册长江作业本参考答案 Unit 12 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? Section A 一、学习导引 尝试:went back to America last week 二、即时训练1 1. camp by the lake 2. go t


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