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绘本———彩虹色的花(中英) “好,今天我一定要把积雪全部融化掉”太阳升起来,把原野照得亮亮的。 Winter passed away and spring came. The sun came out and said:” I must melt away all the snow today!” 他吃了一惊:昨天还是一片积雪的原野上竟然开着一朵花! But he was surprised by what he sawa beautiful and colorful flower was standing on the ground! “早安,你是谁?”太阳问。 “Good morning, who are you?” Asked the sun. 花儿回答说:“早安,我是彩虹色的花。冬天的时候,我一直呆在泥土里,可我再也等不及了。 现在终于见到你了,我多高兴呀!我想跟每个人分享我的快乐。” “Good morning, I am the rainbow flower. In winter, I just stayed under the ground, but I can not wait to see you and share my happiness with everyone!” 过了几天好像有谁从花儿的身边走过。 A few days later, someone walked by. “早安,我是彩虹色的花。你是谁呀?” ” Good morning,I am rainbow flower, who are you?” Said the flower gently. “我是蚂蚁。我现在要去奶奶家。可是,雪融化了,原野中间有一个很大的水洼。我怎么才能过去 呢?” ”I am ant, I want to go to my grandma, s home. But the snow melt away and there is a big puddle on the ground. I can not cross it.” The ant said with worries. “是这样啊,那你爬上来,摘一片花瓣试试看,说不定能用得上呢。” “oh I see. You don’t worry. You climb on my body and get a piece of my petal. My be you can use it.” The flower suggested patiently. 又过了几天,一个舒服的晴天,好像又有谁走过。 A few days later, someone walked by. “你好,我是彩虹色的花。你是谁呀?你为什么那么难过呢?” “Hello,I am rainbow flower, who are you? Why you look so sad?” Asked the flower. “我是蜥蜴,今天我要去参加宴会,可是没有适合的衣服。我怎么办呢?” “I am lizard,I am going to a party,but I do not have beautiful clothes to wear. I don’t know what to do. ” Explained the lizard. “哦,也许我的哪一片花瓣会与你的绿色相配。你看呢?” “Well ,maybe one of my petal will math your skin color. How do you think?”The flower said. 这些日子,每天的阳光都很强烈。好像有谁从花儿的身边走过。 These days ,the sunshine was very strong. But The flower enjoyed it. It seemed that someone so sweaty passed by. “你好。我是彩虹色的花。你是谁呀?怎么呼哧呼哧地喘着气呢?” “Hello, I am rainbow flower. Who are you? Why you are so sweaty and look so weary?” “哦,你好。我是老鼠,最近天气又闷又热弄得我晕乎乎的。要有把扇子就好了。” “Oh, hello! I am a rat, it is so hot these days, I almost die! I really want a fan to make me


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