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基督教思想史 ——导言 * 主要内容 思想史的划界与分期 基督教的诞生与发展 神学与哲学 * 思想史的划界 基督教史: 教会史 神学思想史:教义史 思想史 * 思想史的分期 基督教思想史大致可以分为: 古代时期:1-5世纪 中世纪: 6-15世纪 现代时期:16-17世纪(近代) 18-20世纪(现代) * 基督教的诞生 耶稣基督的生平: 出生 预备 传道 受死 复活 * 耶稣的教导 上帝之国 悔改 爱人如己 * 教会的诞生 五旬节事件 教会的认信 教会的生活 * 教会的扩展 教会在罗马帝国的扩展 早期的与犹太教的冲突 * 教会的分裂 历史的发展: 初期教会 天主教(590年大格列高利任) 东正教(1054年与西方天主教分裂) 新教(1517年与天主教分裂) * 神学与哲学 西方文明的两大传统 希伯来传统 希腊传统 * 哲学 对世界(实在)的认识 对方法(语言)的反思 对生存意义的理解 * 哲学的特点 理性化 分析性 不确定性 * “神学”的意思是什么? Theology: Basic word meaning “God-talk 上帝自己的话语(表明神的源头) * 神学 So does this mean that “theology” is limited to the doctrine of God? What about Jesus Christ? Or the church? Or grace? Or the last things? * 中世纪的神学观念 Under the influence of Parisian writers such as Peter Abelard and Gilbert de la Porree in the twelfth century, the Latin word theologia came to mean “the discipline of sacred learning,” embracing the totality of Christian doctrine, not merely the doctrine of God. * 神学观念 “Theology” is thus discourse about God, in much the same way as “biology” is discourse about life (Greek: bios). * John Macquarrie’s definition: “Theology may be defined as the study which, through participation in and reflection upon a religious faith, seeks to express the content of this faith in the clearest and most coherent language available.” * Karl Rahner’s definition “Theology is the science of faith. It is the conscious and methodical explanation and explication of the divine revelation received and grasped in faith” * If there is only one God, and if that God happens to be the “God of the Christians” (to borrow a phrase from the second-century writer Tertullian), then the nature and scope of theology are relatively well defined: Theology is reflection upon the God whom Christians worship and adore. * 神学给人带来什么? “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen – not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else.” C.S. Lewis, “Is theology poetry?”, in Essay Coll


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