《大学英语过程写作》2019超星尔雅满分期末考试 答案.doc

《大学英语过程写作》2019超星尔雅满分期末考试 答案.doc

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一、单选题 (共42题,84分) 1、Outlining is ( ) in the writing process. A、 the first stage B、 the second stage C、 the third stage D、 the fourth stage 正确答案: B 解析: 完整题库答案看我百度文库名字查找我,我发给你,所有科目均有。 2、Why is it better to use a strong verb than to use a noun? A、 Nouns show action B、 Nouns are informal. C、 Verbs show action D、 Verbs are informal. 正确答案: C 解析: 3、What are two ways that we can organize paragraphs according to this presentation? A、 introduction, body, and conclusion B、 block style and point-by-point style C、 summative and narrative D、 point-by-point style and comparative style 正确答案: B 解析: 4、Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? He fell asleep. What woke him was a loud crash. A、 metonymy B、 repetition C、 hyponymy? D、 antonymy 正确答案: D 解析: 5、How is a major supporting idea different from a minor one? A、 Major supporting ideas are more important than the minor ones. B、 Major supporting ideas are general while the minor ones are specific. C、 Major supporting ideas outnumber minor ones in a paper. D、 Major supporting ideas provide more convincing evidences than minor ones. 正确答案: B 解析: 6、Which ?lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? ‘NOW, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. …Stick to Facts, Sir!’ A、 repetition B、 hyponymy C、 antonymy D、 metonymy 正确答案: B 解析: 7、Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “Even though it’s only the first day, I can tell this is going to be a boring course”. A、 hasty generalization B、 post hoc C、 guilt by association D、 oversimplification 正确答案: A 解析: 8、Which of these is an example of MLA Citation? A、 (Stone 15) B、 (Stone, 2014, p. 15) is an example of MLA Citation 正确答案: A 解析: 9、Which paragraph in the follo


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