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A Feminist Study of Female Image in Pride and Prejudice PAGE PAGE 3 温州医学院本科 毕业论文 ( 2010届) 论文题目 A Feminist Study of Female Image in Pride and (英文) Prejudice 论文题目 以女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 (中文) 学院 仁济学院 专业 英语 班级 2006(02)班 学号 0606041037 作者姓名 陆夏舒 指导老师 周阿芹 王丹 完稿时间 2010-04-28 成绩 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u Abstract iv 摘要 iv Outline v 提纲 vi 1. Introduction 1 2. Development and definition of feminism 1 3. British females in the 18th century and Austen’s personal experience 2 3.1 British females in the 18th century 2 3.2 Austen’s personal experience 2 4. Female images in the patriarchal society 3 4.1 Mother images in Pride and Prejudice 3 4.1.1 Arrogant woman── Lady Catherine 3 4.1.2 Superficial woman── Mrs. Bennet 3 4.1.3 Thoughtful woman── Mrs. Gardiner 4 4.2 Daughter images in Pride and Prejudice 5 4.2.1 Snobbish lady── Miss Bingley 5 4.2.2 Over-practical girl── Charlotte 5 4.2.3 Self-consequent girls── Lydia and Kitty 6 4.2.4 Slow-witted girl── Mary 6 5. New female images with feminist consciousness 7 5.1 Jane: a kind and generous female image 7 5.2 Elizabeth: an independent-minded female image 8 6. Conclusion 10 Works Cited 11 A Feminist Study of Female Image in Pride and Prejudice LU Xiashu Abstract: This paper first gives the definition of the feminism and talks about its development. It then discusses females in the 18th century in England and the author Jane Austen’s personal experience. Then, it explains female images in the patriarchal society from two aspects, one is mother images in Pride and Prejudice, including four representatives; the other is daughter images in Pride and Prejudice, including three representatives. It finally elaborates new female images with feminist consciousness in Pride and Prejudice, illustrated by two females Jane and Elizabeth, an


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