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住院精神疾病患者保护性约束存在的缺陷及对策 艾伯 1 王彩霞 2 柴森 3 张羽4 【摘要】目的:探讨住院精神疾病患者实施保护性约束存在的缺陷,并提出相应对策。 方法:采用回顾性分析法分析本院 2013 年 9 月—2014 年 9 月我院精神科住院的 87 例实施 保护性约束患者的约束记录、护理记录单。结果:在对精神疾病患者进行保护性约束的过 程中,存在着保护性约束使用率高、保护时间长;忽视患者本身意愿,患者知情同意差的 缺陷;保护性约束不规范,护理不当,造成患者不良影响等问题。结论:对精神疾病患 实施保护性约束的过程中,应规范约束程序,降低保护性约束的使用率;加强与患者的沟 通交流,落实告知制度,保障患者的知情同意权;加强基础护理,使保护性约束趋于标准 化、规范化、人性化。 【关键词】精神科;保护性约束;对策 Probe into defects existing in protection constraint for hospitalized psychiatric patients in psychiatric ward and its nursing strategies. 1 , 2 3 4 Aibo , Chai Sen ,, Zhang Yu , Caixia-Wang The Daqing campus of the Harbin Medical University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,daqing heilongjiang12,163319 【Abstract 】 Objective:To investigate defects existing in protection constraint for hospitalized psychiatric patients in psychiatric ward and its strategies.Methods: Analysising the protection constraint records and nursing records of 87 psychiatric patients in our psychiatric ward during September 2013 -2014 in September. Results: There are defects among the process of protection constraint. Such as the defects of the right to know of patient,high usage of protection constraint, resistant too long during protection constrain,protection constraint are not standardized, nursing inappropriate. Conclusion:In the process of protection constraint, psychiatric nurses first should standardize protection constraint .Second, strengthen the communication with patients and inform the implementation system to protect the right to know of patient. Third ,strengthen primary nursing. Make sure protection constraint tends to be normalization,standardization,humanization. 【Keywords 】psychiatric ward ;protection constraint ;strategies 实施保护性约束是精神科治疗护理特殊病人的重要措施之一,医护人员为有效预防和制


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