Writing an argumentation essay is a similar process写一个论证散文是一种类似的过程.doc

Writing an argumentation essay is a similar process写一个论证散文是一种类似的过程.doc

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Writing an argumentation essay is a similar process. First, you must decide how you feel about a particular issue. If your opinion is not clearly defined in your own mind, you will never be able to persuade someone else of its validity. The introductory paragraph of your essay will include a thesis statement that does two things: (1) defines the issue and (2) presents your opinion of it. In developing your thesis, consider your audience. To whom are you writing? How much proof will be necessary to convince the reader? In fact, some readers may never be convinced about a particular issue, no matter how strong your support is, because of deeply held personal beliefs. The expression “Never argue about religion or politics” could be extended to other issues. Argumentation is effective only when ideas can be presented (and subsequently accepted or rejected) logically. One cannot logically debate religious beliefs, facts, or individual taste. For example, you may believe that blue is the most beautiful color in the world, but you will never persuade someone who prefers red. Like wise, it is ridiculous to argue about a fact (such as who won the World Cup in a particular year) because simple research will answer the question. Also, be sure your argument is supported by logic rather than emotion. Determining Logical opinions It is likely that a statement of opinion will make use of a modal that shows advisability (should, ought to) or strong necessity (must, have to, had better). These modals show that the writer is trying to influence the reader or get him to modify his behavior in some way. The use of more tentative modals such as may, might, or could (for possibility) can weaken the opinion statements. Argumentation with multiple choices usually occurs when a problem is presented. Various points of view will arise as people try to come up with solutions to the problem. Remember, however, that once you have decided on your own viewpoint, all your suppor


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