牛津译林版 8A 第一次月考词转基础题精选训练.docx

牛津译林版 8A 第一次月考词转基础题精选训练.docx

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2019年8A第一次月考词转综合训练 姓名:_______ 得分:_______ 词规部分 Laura is a lovely girl with __________ (smile) eyes. Mr. Green is a ____________(humour) teacher. His students all like him. Do you think Peter will work out the problem _______________(easy)? There are many ________________ (advertise) during the TV series. The long __________report made everyone __________(bore). Lucy is the _____________(funny) girl in my class. Next week we will have a ____________(month) test on Maths. Lei Feng is one of the __________(hero) names on the list. There is going to be a photo show about him in the city museum. —I ___________beat her in the match. — Congratulations! (final) Li Lei is the _____________(clever) student in my class. My elder sister is a little than me. (thin) —Did you see Wu Hua here just now ? —Yes, he walked away .(sad) ________ (Britain) students has a Reading Week every week in Woodland School. You may do it __________ by (you), or you may ask somebody to help you. —What do you think of Jack? —You can’t find a __________ (polite) boy in our school —Whats the _______ (high)of the building? —Its 236 metres_______(high). Our school is a ________(mix) one, so boys and girls have lessons together. Are you ____________ (will) to share your things with others? She wants to become a famous ____________ (sing) when she grows up. Tom, what about ____________ (swim) with us? 动词部分 Where do you plan________(spend) your holiday after you finish_______(write) the novel? My mother asked me ___________________(not play) computer games. Is Millie ready (share) her cake with her friends? They had a good time (play) football. I’ll try my best ( help )Mr Green. If you want to improve English, you should practise ______(speak) it as much as you can. _______________ (take) a bus to school is much faster than walking. Dad, how delicious the fish ____________ (taste)! All of us had a good time at the party. Why ____________


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