乱世佳人(Gone with the wind)中英对白文本.pdf

乱世佳人(Gone with the wind)中英对白文本.pdf

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乱世佳人(Gone with the wind)中英对白文本 1--What do we care if we were expelled from college?我们才不在乎被学校开除呢 2--The war is gonna start any day. We wouldve left college anyhow.就要打仗了反正我们得离开学校 3--War. Isnt it exciting, Scarlett?哦战争 多让人激动啊 4--Do you know those Yankees actually want a war?那些穷北佬真要打仗啊? 5--Well show em. Fiddle-dee-dee.让他们看看讨厌 6--War, war, war.战争 战争 战争 7--This war talks spoiling all the fun at every party this spring.这个春天里每次聚会都要谈论战争 8--I get so bored I could scream.我烦得都要喊出来了 9--Besides, there isnt going to be any war. Not gonna be any war?再说 不会有战争的你说不会有战争? 10--Why, honey, of course theres going to be a war.不会? 亲爱的真的要打仗了 11--If either of you says war just once again, Ill go in the house and slam the door.你们谁要是再说一句 战争我就进屋去把门关上 12--But, Scarlett, honey... Dont you want us to have a war?可是斯卡莉特 亲爱的 你不要我们打仗吗? 13--Well 好吧 14--but remember 别忘了 15--I warned you.我警告过你们 16--Ive got an idea.那谈谈我们明天到 17--Well talk about the Wilkes barbecue at Twelve Oaks.十二棵橡树卫尔科斯家的野餐会吧 18--Thats a good idea. Arent you eating barbecue with us?好主意和我们一起去野餐好吗? 19--I hadnt thought about that yet. Ill think about that tomorrow.哦 我还没想过呢 我明天再说吧 20--We want all your waltzes.和我们跳华尔滋 21--First Brent, then me, then Brent, then me again and so on.先跟他 再跟我再跟他 再跟我 22--Promise? Id just love to.就这样答应了好倒是好 哦 太好了 不过 23--If only I didnt have every one of them taken already.那得要我没答应跟别人跳舞 24--Why, honey, you cant do that to us.怎么 亲爱的 你不能这样对我们 25--How about if we tell you a secret? A secret? Who about?我想告诉你一个秘密? 秘密? 谁的? 26--Do you know Miss Melanie Hamilton from Atlanta?亚特兰大的梅兰妮·韩密尔敦小姐? 27--Ashley Wilkes cousin. Shes visiting the Wilkes艾希礼的表妹 她要到十二棵橡树卫尔科斯家 28--That goody-goody. Who wants to know a secret about her?梅兰妮·韩密尔敦那个假正经 谁要听她 的秘密 29--Anyway, we heard, that is, they say 可是我们听说 他们 30--Ashley Wilkes is gonna marry her. The Wilkeses always marry their cousins.艾希礼要和她结婚了你知 道他们家的人 通常是表亲之间通婚的 31--Now do we get those waltzes?我们可以跳华尔滋了吧? 32--Of course.当然了 33--Ill bet the other bo



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