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一、考研英语完形填空 (一)红花绿叶词 红花词 however /but/yet/ although/though; while/whereas; in spite of ;no matter how; whether...or... even if/even though/even when on the contrary; rather than; on the other hand ;unlike (转折和让步 对比关系) becasue/as; so/therefore/thereby/thus/consequently; lead to/result from ; because of/due to/owing to/on account of (因果) in fact/in effect/furthermore/moreover/in addition/besides ; still/ also; indeed/furthermore (递 进) so that/so...that... (目的和结果) and/or/as well as (并列) which/than/that (关系词) 绿叶词 if/providing/supposing; until/unless; as if/if only/lest; in case since/now that what/who/whom likewise ; forever ; other than ; but for 补充:作为正确答案的高选频词汇 Convert, reverse, respond, ignore, consume, identify, expect, maintain, increase, decrease …(动 词) Substantially, significantly; incidentally, approximately; irregularly; exceedingly …; far/even/much 加强比较级(副词) Extensive; excessive; significant; reverse, particular; vulnerable/susceptible; available; identifiable …(形容词) Without; against; on; beyond; for (介词) 二、考研英语阅读理解 (一)观点态度词 作者态度题: 理解全文主旨大意, 体会作者的语气, 特别注意形容词的修饰。 语气客观的有保留的不 那么绝对的选项为正确答案;绝对或极端的态度或与原文形容词矛盾的选项为干扰项 (1)褒义词: positive, supportive, sympathetic (同情的) , defensive, favorable, approval, reserved consent (有保留的支持) , enthusiastic, optimistic, admiring, wonderful, hopeful, enthusiastic support (热烈支持) , confident, 等 (2 )贬义词: critical, negative, tolerant, worried, suspicious, skeptical, opposed, pessimistic, gloomy, apprehensive (焦虑的), confused, puzzled, indignant, disgustful, biased, prejudiced, compromising, contemptuous (鄙视的) , strong disapproval (强烈反对) , cynical (愤世嫉俗 的)等。 (3 )中性词:objective, neutral, impersonal (不带个人色的), detached(超然中立的) indifferent, uninterested, subjective, uninterested, 等 考研英语完型填空或阅读理解中的高频搭配 (1) be vulnerable to 易受…影响 be immune to 不受…影响;免受… be indifferent to 对…漠不关心 be sensitive to 对…敏感 be ide


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