小封装晶体管规格书AP12H02TS 12A 20V TSSOP-8.pdfVIP

小封装晶体管规格书AP12H02TS 12A 20V TSSOP-8.pdf

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AP12H02TS 20V N+N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Description The AP 12H02TS uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge . The complementary MOSFETs may be used to form a level shifted high side switch, and for a host of other applications General Features N-Channel V = 20V,I 12A DS D RDS(ON) 11mΩ@ VGS 4.5V NChannel V = 20V,I 12A DS D RDS(ON) 11mΩ@ VGS 4.5V High power and current handing capability Lead free product is acquired Surface mount package Application ● Power switching application ● Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits ● Uninterruptible Power Supply o Absolute Maximum Ratings@T =25 C(unless otherwise specified) j Symbol Parameter Rating Units VDS Drain-Source Voltage 20 V VGS Gate-Source Voltage +12 V I @T =25℃ Drain Current, VGS @ 4.5V 12 A D C I @T =100℃ Drain Current, VGS @ 4.5V 7 A D C I @T =25℃ Drain Current, VGS @ 4.5V3 10 A D A I @T =70℃ Drain Current, VGS @ 4.5V3



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