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浅析油画风景中远山的边缘线处理 摘要:在风景油画作品中远山边缘线的刻画占有相当重要的位置,它可以使作品内容得到更充分的 表现,从而强化主题的意义。运用不同表现技法描绘出来的远山边缘线,呈现出艺术家个性的作画 风格,并反映艺术家不同的情感抒发方式。本论文通过自己在油画风景写生课中对远山边缘线的探 索和对油画大师在风景作品中对远山边缘线的处理方式的类型进行了论述和总结,挖掘了远山边缘 线处理的方法种类与风景油画的形体的立体感的塑造、画家在画中的情感表达、笔触变化的起伏等 多方面的关系。整篇文章列举了古今中外风景油画远山边缘线处理的具体著名作品图例,阐述了远 山边缘线处理方式对作品艺术风格的影响以及对画家情绪表达的重要性。从远山边缘线入手研究艺 术家的观察方法和表现手段,分析作品中的绘画技术元素,并在自己的创作中加以总结,从而使自 己对油画技法有更一步的认识和提高。 关键词:油画;风景;远山;边缘线; The oil painting scenery in the mountains of shallow edge line processing Abstract:Mountains in the landscape paintings depiction occupies an important position at the edge of the line, it can be more fully the performance of the work content, and thus strengthen the meaning of the theme. The distant mountains edge line traced using different techniques, presents the artisfs individual character of painting, reflects different ways of expressing emotion. This thesis by themselves in the oil painting scenery sketch lesson the search for distant mountains edge line, and the oil painting masters on the edge of the landscape works to the distant line of the type of treatment are discussed and summarized, mining the edge line processing method of species and the distant mountains scenery painting form stereo feeling of the shape, the painter in the emotional expression in the picture, touch the relationship between changes in many aspects of ups and downs. Entire article enumerates the landscape painting ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign famous mountains edge line processing of specific works by illustrations, this paper expounds the distant mountains edge line approach to the effects of the artistic style and the painter of the importance of emotional expression. From distant mountains edge line of the method and performance artist observation method, element analysis works of painting technology, and summarized in his creation, which makes their painting techniques have further understanding of and improve. Key words : Oil painting scenery mountains edge line 引言人们往往赞


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