Module 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity (reading) 导学案 (教师版).doc

Module 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity (reading) 导学案 (教师版).doc

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Module 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity 1、 Warming up Look at the map of the USA with your group、 Write on the map the names of as many of the following as you can、 Ocean on the east coast __ Atlantic Ocean Ocean on the west cost ______ Pacific Ocean Country to the north of USA ___ Canada Country to the south of USA __ Mexico Mountains range in the west ____ Rocky Mountains Great Lakes : ____ Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario Longest river in the USA __ Mississippi River Some important cities:_ New York, Washington D C, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans 2、Pre-reading Ask Ss to illustrate something about California、 Then let them discuss in groups what each picture means、 Suggested Answers: Picture 1: Life of Native Californian Indians Picture 2: A Californian gold miner around 1849 Picture 3: A traditional Chinese building in San Francisco’s Chinatown Picture 4: Native American Picture 5: A Spanish monk Picture 6: African Americans More information: Picture 1: A native American Indian — one of the first people to live in California、 Picture 2: A gold miner — the discovery of gold in California created a gold rush which brought people from all over the world to California、 Picture 3: A building in Chinatown, San Francisco — many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live in Chinatown in San Francisco、 Picture 5: It shows us a Catholic religious man who came to California to teach the natives、 In the early 16th century, Spanish fought against the native people, took their land and settled in California、 Picture 6: So many African Americans were having classes in the school、 In 1924, the United States Congress gave Native Americans the same rights as other citizens for the first time、 School segregation and discrimination in housing were banned, but African Americans still encountered prejudice and hostility、 3、 Skimming: answer the following questions: Who were the first to arrive in California to rush for gold? South Americans a


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