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Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy I、 New words and expression 生词与短语 A) Wisdom n、智慧 (wise adj、英明得, 明智得, 聪明得)cut one’s wisdom teeth 开始懂事 -- He showed great wisdom、 她展示了非凡得智慧。 -- He is a man of wisdom、 = He is a wise man、 Spiritual adj、精神上得adj、非物质得, 精神得, 灵魂得)Spiritual life精神生活, spiritual need 精神上得需要 physical adj、身体得, 物质得, 自然得, 物理得 spirited adj、精神饱满得, 生机勃勃得, 勇敢得 -- a spirited girl 一个勇敢得女孩 low-spirited 沮丧得, high-spirited 兴奋得, public-spirited 热心公益得, a spirited debate 热烈得辩论 mental adj、心理得, 智力得 spirituous adj、酒精得, 含酒精得(liquor n、酒类)-- spirituous liquor 烈性酒 C) dignity n、 respect that other people have for you or you have for yourself尊严(高贵) lose one’s dignity 丢面子, 失去尊严 If you are afraid of losing your dignity, you can’t expect to learn to speak a foreign language、 您要就是怕丢面子就别指望学好外语。 Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity、 她虽然很穷, 但没有失去她得尊严。 Keep/stand on one’s dignity 保持自已得尊严 pocket one’s dignity [口]放下架子 with great dignity 仪态大方 -- Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity、 太太先生们得举止应该总就是十分端庄体面得。 Dignify vt、 Make sth or sb 使有尊严, 使高贵; Dignified adj、高贵得,有尊严得 D) deliberately adv、 intentionally故意地(深思熟虑得, 考虑周到得) on purpose adv、故意 He coughed on purpose to attract my attention、 E) consequence n、后果, 结果; in consequence 因此, 结果 in consequence of、、、 因为、、、得缘故, 由于 take the consequences of… 承担…责任 You have to take the consequences of the accidence、 Result 一种特殊得行动、运行或过程得结果 Effect n、结果, 效果, 作用, 影响 Oute n、结果, 成果(自然得结果)-- The oute of the election was in doubt then、 当时大选得结果还瞧不准。 F) afflict v、 (fml)to make sb suffer either physical disease or mental problem使苦恼, 对…折磨; be afflicted with… 受…得折磨He is afflicted with a disease (n、疾病, 病) The disease mainly afflict men between 35-45 years old、 这种疾病主要发生在…、身上。 affliction n、痛苦, 苦恼; afflictive adj、带给人痛苦得, 苦恼得, 难受得 G) ease n、容易; with ease: without difficulties 熟练地, 轻而易举地 He won the petition with ease、 轻而易举得就赢得了比赛 at ease 安逸, 自由自在; be/feel ill at ease 局促不安, 心神不宁 put sb、 at his ease 使某人宽心, 使某人感到无


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