朗文5B 第五单元测试卷.docx

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PAGE 1 5B第五单元测试卷 班级 __________ 姓名_________ 听力部分(44%) 一. 听句子,选出你听到的单词。10’ ( )1. A. fish B. fishing ( )2. A. excited B. exciting ( )3. A. Botanical B. bottom ( )4. A. can B. shall ( )5. A. house B. horse 二. 听句子,选择正确的答句。10’ ( )1. A. Let’s go to the Wuhan Zoo. B. We can pick fruit there. ( )2. A. I think looking at plants and flowers is interesting. B. We can look at plants and flowers. ( )3. A. I think going horse-riding is exciting. B. We can go horse-riding there. ( )4. A. It’s about 48km from Pudong. B. We’re lost. ( )5. A. Let’s go to the park. B. I don’t like swimming. 三. 听录音,填入所缺的单词。20’ Where shall we go? Shall we go to the zoo? What can we do there? We can watch the ________. But I’m _______ of the bear! Shall we go to the beach? What can we do there? We can swim in the sea. But I don’t like _____ _______! Shall we go to the fruit farm? What can we do there? We can ______ lots of _______ fruit. Good! I can eat a pear. How can we get to the farm? Is it ______ or ______? Shall we take a bus? Or can we go in the car? We can go there in the car, _________ it’s not very near, And enjoy __________, my dear! 四、选择正确的选项,将序号填入括号中。4’ ( )1. Where would Penny, Lucy and John go? Disneyland. B. The Ocean Park C. Sheshan Forest Park ( ) 2. Why did they want go there? They could go hiking. They could watch butterflies and look at interesting plants. They could go camping. ( ) 3. How far is it from Pudong? It’s about 48km from Pudong. It’s about 25km from Pudong. It’s near. ( ) 4. How did they feel? Sad. B. Excited. C. Scared. 笔试部分(56%) (1)填写下列词的正确形式。10’ interesting→____________ 2. __________→ frightened 3. tiring→__________ 4. __________→excited 5. boring→_________ (2)请根据语境,选择合适的词填写到句子里。(20’) 1. I always feel ________ when I get home after work. My job is very ___________. 2. Watching TV is ____


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