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Education in the United States of America 美 国教 育体系 1 I. The goal of education ? “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life.” --- Chinese Proverb The goal of education is to achieve universal literacy and to provide individuals with educational opportunities. 2 Education in the United States is provided mainly by government, with control and funding coming from three levels: federal, state, and local. ? Each of 50 states in the United States has its own laws regulating education. From state to state, some laws are similar; others are not. II. Education – a local matter 3 III. Expenditure of Education ? Educational funds are from several sources. ? Funds for elementary and secondary schools come from 3 sources: 1. about 50% from local property taxes, 2. 40-50% from the states, 3. 8%-9% from the federal government. 4 Levels of schooling Higher Education Secondary Education Elementary Education 5 Elementary school and secondary school ? In most areas, free public school education begins with kindergarten classes for 5 years old. ? Almost all the 50 states have laws that require 12 years of compulsory attendance at school for children. 6 ? In some school system, the 12 grades are divided into two stages, the first 6 grades for elementary school and the next 6 grades for secondary school. ? In other school system, there are three divisions: elementary school (grades1 — 6), junior high school (7 — 9), and senior high school (10 — 12). 7 Education in the United States Grade Age Preschool Kindergarten 5 - 6 Elementary School 1 st Grade 2 nd Grade 3 rd Grade 4 th Grade 5 th Grade 6 - 7 7 - 8 8 - 9 12 - 13 10 - 11 6 th Grade 7 th Grade 8 th Grade 11 - 12 9 - 10 13 - 14 Middle School 9 th Grade 14 - 15 8 10 th Grade 11 th Grade 12 th Grade 15 - 16 16 - 17 17 - 18 High School 9 IV. Curricula for Students 1.Elementary School ? Although the federal government has no national curr


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