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Unit 1 Women of achievement 1. devote 1)devote oneself /sth. to ( doing ) sth. 献身于 …… ;致力于 …… ? He devotes himself to finishing the task. ? She devotes all her time to her family. 2) be devoted to sth. 致力于 …… a devoted friend 一个忠心的朋友 ? She is devoted to her family. 她深爱她的家庭。 2. Following Janes way of studying chimps , our group are all going to visit them in the forest. Following Janes way of studying chimps 是现 在分词作状语,表示伴随状态。 He sat in the armchair, reading a newspaper. He saw a flying bird. His friend died, leaving him a lot of money . I saw him singing just now. The match is exciting. 现在分词可作定语、状语、补语、表语 3. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. Watching a family of chimps wake up 是动名词 短语作主语。 Watching TV for a long time is bad for our eyes. Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good. 4.connection n. 连接 ; 关系 in connection with 与什么有关 He asked me many questions in connection with life in China. have a connection with/to …. 和什么有联系 As far as I know , he has no connection with the accident. connect vt. 连接,联系 ? connect… with… 把什么和什么连接起来 The road connects Tian jin and Beijing. ? be connected with ? 和什么有关联,与什么连接起来 I am not connected with his company. 5. behave vi ./vt. 行为 ; 举止;守规矩 behave well/badly to sb. 对谁好 / 不好 behave oneself 举止规矩,表现好 well-behaved adj. 表现好的 badly-behaved adj. 表现不好的 behaviour n. 行为举止 根据汉语提示完成英语句子。 1) 你今天在晚会上守规矩了吗 ? Did you ______________ at the party today? 2) 这孩子在校行为良好。 The child ____________ at school. behave yourself behaved well 6.The evening makes it all worthwhile . worthwhile adj. 值得的 It is worthwhile doing/ to do sth. 值得做什么 It is worthwhile to spend two hours reading. It is worthwhile spending two hours reading. worth: 值得的 这辆自行车值 50 英镑 ____________________________________.


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