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摘 要 美术学科的教学对象主要是绘画图像,语文学科的教学对象主要是语言文 字,但都是基于人文学科的基础下,有着本质的必然联系。图像和语言文字二者 是互相补充的关系,图像具有直观性,需要语言的逻辑思维做陈述和补充,语言 文字具有概括性,在表达和记忆时,又离不开图像思维的建构。本研究基于低年 级儿童的心理学认知特点,在教学过程中以小学低年级美术与语文跨学科教学实 现图文生成的教学目标,研究用图像和语言文字共同建构起儿童认知世界、观察 世界、表达世界的方式。结合具体教学案例,研究在低年级课堂中,学生是如何 运用色彩、图像、图形、文字、表述等手段认识对象和表达情感的。期于模糊美 术和语文的学科界限,用图文生成的方式为研究低年级美术课提供新的探索路径 和教学方式。 关键词:小学低年级;图文生成;美术学科;语文学科;跨学科教学 I Abstract Theteaching object ofthe art subject ismainly painting images,andtheteaching object ofthe language subject ismainly language andcharacters,but it isbased on the humanities subject, which has an essential and essential connection. Image and language are complementary to each other. The image is intuitive and requires the logical thinking of language to make statements and supplements. Language and text are general. In the expression and memory, the construction of image thinking is inseparable. This study is based on the psychological and cognitive characteristics of lower grade children.In theteachingprocess,theteaching goalsof graphicgeneration are realized through the interdisciplinary teaching of lower grade art and language in primary school.The study uses images and language to construct the cognitive world and observation of children The world, the way of expressing the world. Combined with specific teaching cases, this article studies how students use colors, images, graphics, text, and expressions to recognize objects and express emotions in lower-grade classrooms. Focusing on blurring the discipline boundaries of fine arts and Chinese, the method of generating pictures and texts provides a new way of exploration andteachingmethodsforthe study oflower gradeart courses. Key words: Elementary school lower grades; graphic generation; fine arts discipline;Chinesediscipline;interdisciplinaryteaching


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