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摘 要 李宗瀚,江西临川人,官至工部侍郎。作为典型的仕途文人,除了仕途通顺, 他在书法、鉴藏、文学等方面亦有重大建树。然而目前对他的书法及鉴藏研究并 不深入。本文试图在这两方面做相对深入的研究,并纠正一些错误认知,还原一 个更真实的李宗瀚。 李宗瀚的学书渊源,多被人总结为 “近学虞世南,远宗王羲之”,深入研究 会发现事实不仅如此。李宗瀚受家庭影响,喜好书法与鉴藏,但受时代局限,最 初以董其昌和赵孟頫的书风参与科举考试;进入仕途后转而学习虞世南,并兼之 以欧阳询,将两者杂糅学习在清中后期甚至引起小股学习欧、虞的风气;而后受 翁方纲影响,诗与书法也学习过苏东坡;对于书圣王羲之,他用了大量的时间和 精力去学习。李宗瀚学书取法范围的宽泛,形成了他多样性的书风。其书法形式 多样,众体皆备,尤以楷书和行书成就最高,在清代中后期获得了较高的评价。 另一方面,随着金石学的发展,考据与收藏之风在清代逐渐兴盛。这样的背 景下,李宗瀚喜好收藏,加上身边师友的影响和帮助,以及盐商家庭的经济支撑, 大量购买碑帖拓本,其中不少唐宋孤本、善本。他将一些拓本用于取法学习,甚 至重新刊刻,使之大量流传,裨益书坛。此外李宗瀚还喜好访碑拓碑,并亲自装 裱拓来的碑。收藏之余常与他人在书斋赏玩碑帖。 关键词:李宗瀚;书法;鉴定;收藏 I 硕士学位论文 Abstract Li Zonghan, born in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province, is a servant of the Ministry of publicworks.As a typical official scholar,in addition tohis smooth official career,he has made great achievements in calligraphy, collection and literature. However, at present,the study ofhiscalligraphy and collection isnot in-depth.Thispaper attempts to do a relatively in-depth study on these two aspects, and correct some misconceptionstorestoreamorerealLiZonghan. LiZonghansorigin oflearningbooksis summarized as learningYu Shinan near andWangXizhi far away,which isnot only the case.Li Zonghan was influencedby his family and liked calligraphy and collection, but he was limited by the times.At first, he took part in the imperial examination with Dong Qichangs and Zhao Mengfus calligraphy style.After entering the official career,he turned toYu Shinans and Ouyang Xuns to mix the two and study them in the middle and later period of Qing Dynasty, which even caused a small group to learn the atmosphere of Europe andYu.Later,influencedbyWeng Fanggang,he also studied Su Dongpospoetry and calligraphy. For calligraphy Saint Wang Xizhi, he spent a lot of time and energy to study.Li Zonghans wide range of learning meth


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