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PAGE PAGE 1 题 目 定位球射门路径的分析模型 摘要 在当今的足球比赛中,定位球的得分率不断提高,定位球攻击战术发挥了越来越大的制胜作用。对球员来说,如何制定定位球防守与进攻战略成为得分的关键。为协助发球员设计罚球路线,我们建立了连续模型,为简化模型,并将其离散化。 根据球距球门的距离,我们将定位球分为远距离定位球和近距离定位球两种情况。并根据各自不同的特点,分成不同的阶段进行分析。 将球的运动轨迹分成多个部分处理,利用微分的思想,通过MATLAB编程,逐步分析每一阶段的运动情况。 对球进行受力分析时,只考虑空气阻力和重力,即建立二维坐标系,忽略球的旋转产生的影响。 假设在高空吊球的情况下,根据罚球位置、人墙高度及守门员位置计算发球员合理的发球初速度和角度,使进球的可能性变大。 另外,我们可以根据模型中对发球员发球策略的分析,建立同样的连续模型, 帮助守门员制定最佳的防御战略。 关 键 词 定位球 连续模型离散化 吊射 ABSTRACT In todays football game, Place kick in the scoring rate continued to improve, positioning the ball attacking tactics played a growing role in winning. To the players, how to develop defensive and offensive positioning strategy is the key to a globle score.Design for the free-throw line to help players who send the balls, we have established a continuous model, to simplify the model and its discretization. 1. According to the distance the ball away from goal, and we will locate the ball into distant and close-Kick Soccer both. And according to their different characteristics, into different stages of analysis. 2. The balls trajectory is divided into multiple parts, using the differential of thinking, through the MATLAB programming, step by step analysis of each stage of the movement. 3. The analysis on the ball mainly considered the air resistance and gravity, that the establishment of two-dimensional coordinate system, ignoring the impact of the balls rotation. 4. Assuming a height of drop case, under penalty position, the wall height and the goalkeeper position player made a reasonable calculation of initial velocity and angle serve to make the possibility of bigger goals. In addition, we can model the players driving strategy on the main part of analysis, establishing the same continuous model, to help develop the best goalkeeper the defense strategy. Key words : place kick discretization of continuous model lobbed pass 一.问题重述 在足球比赛中,世界各队已把定位球战术放在比较重要的位置,对于进攻方,在既定的罚球位置、排成人墙的人数以


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