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balanced a nd r un the satisfaction of the people educati on. Room XX City Burea u of educational supervi sion of XX muni cipality May 6, 2016 County economi c information and Busi ness Council System Committee two learn a do lear ning arrangeme nts specifi c programm e for adva nce full stri ctly rule party, a ccording to County Orga nization De partment on County two lear n a do learning arra ngements of spe cific pr ogramme and I Board lear ning e ducation implementati on pr ogramme spirit, a ccording t o disti nguish level, a nd has targeted soluti on pr obl em of requireme nts, ensure le arning e ducation made effectivene ss, promote all members consciously respe cted Constit ution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Se cretary series im portant spee chspirit armed mi nd, a nd gui de pra ctice , and Promote the work and be qualifie d party members a nd le arning arra ngements are hereby makes t he follow ing specifi c programmes. Learning re quireme nts, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rul es and unify the XI ser ies of important spee ch, General Se cretary, spee ch l earni ng series t o dee pen understanding of the Constituti on Party rules, Constit ution Party rule s in the de ep i nsight series a ddress the basic spirit and practi cal re quirement s. 1. Constituti on Party rules. Lear ning of the party Constitution, a dee p understa ndi ng of the partys nat ure, purpose , guiding pri nci ples, goals, organi zation, good style , grasp conditions, right s and obligations of party members, bearing i n mind t hat oat h, clear qualified party member criteria a nd conditi ons. Learning the code of self-discipli ne of the CPC, the CPCs disci plinary regulations, t he Chinese Communist Party Mem ber Rights Ordina nce and so on, mastering self-disci pline standards of four must, the four upholdi ngs, mastering vari ous ty pes of discipli nary offence and punishment provisi ons. 2. series spoke. To XI Ge neral Secret


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