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Securitization of Financial assets Asset-Backed Securitization (ABS) is a financial tool which allows financial institutions (usually commercial banks) to move unmarketable assets (e.g.lease assets mortgage assets or commercial papers) from their balance sheets in exchange for a long term loan which can be ploughed back into more profitable investments. More precisely ,the financial assets are converted into bonds (so called notes ) and the proceeds of their market issuance become a long term loan for the assets owner (the originator ).We will look at the ABS operation mainly from the point of view of this financial institution. Our analysis will concentrate on the critical phase of the ABS operation avoiding to describe in detail the role of some of the participating operators, such as banks and insurance companies, which provide the credit protection (risk hedging) of the operation .It should be noted that the issue of credit protection is an interesting research topic in itself .However ,the corresponding features such as credit guarantees and cash flow riskiness are beyond the scope of this paper . In an ABS, the assets are sold by the originator to a special purpose vehicle (SPV), an institution created solely for that purpose .The SPV funds the purchase through issuing debt securities-the notes-which are collateralized by the assets. Note that the assets transfer is a true sale. Thus , if the originator becomes insolvent or is involved in bankruptcy the transferred financial assets will not be part of the bankruptcy the transferred financial assets will not be part of the bankruptcy assets. This makes the notes an interesting investment opportunity .In apass through payment scheme the final investors who buy these notes receive periodic inflows (interests on their investments). These are directly related to the periodic installments paid by the holders of the assets (e.g. lessees or mortgage holders) to the originator (e.g. the lessor ). Using the ABS st


古田张老师 + 关注


