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健身运动相关口语对话 工作忙,学习累,很多人现在都处于亚健康状态。我们要怎么做才能让身体有活力、保持健康呢?看看下面对话里的两个人怎么说吧。 A: Hi, how’s everything? B: Not so good. I went to the doctor for a check up, and he told me I have to eat better and exercise more. A: It’s important to eat well. Do you eat lots of salads or vegetables? B: I sometimes eat salads, but not often. However, I eat vegetables almost everyday. Potato chips are made from potatoes; that’s a vegetable, right? A: That’s not very healthy. Do you take vitamins? B: I have vitamins at home and I take them off and on, but I often forget. A: How about green tea? It’s good for your health! B: I drink it once in a while, but I prefer coffee. Is that healthy? A: It’s not very nutritious. Maybe you should exercise. It’s good to be active. How often do you exercise now? B: I never go to a gym. It’s too expensive. A: Okay, how about running or jogging? How often do you jog? B: I occasionally run to catch the bus, but not often, maybe once a month. A: I see. How about walking? How often do you go for a brisk walk? B: I go for a leisurely walk after dinner when the mood strikes me, maybe twice a month, but I almost never take a long, brisk walk. I have no time. A: I see. How about swimming? It’s good for you. Do you swim? B: I used to swim all the time, but now I seldom go swimming, maybe once a year if friends with a pool invite me. A: How about push-ups or aerobics at home? Do you do that sometimes? B: Every year, I tell myself to start, but I only do it once in a blue moon, when my jeans get too small, maybe every six months. I use a hula hoop. A: How about housework? That’s good exercise, too. B: I clean my house now and then, maybe once a month! Vocabulary 1. troublesome: 令人烦恼的,困难麻烦的。 2. adverbs of frequency: 表频率的副词。 3. gym: 〈口〉健身房,体育馆。 4. push-up: 俯卧撑。 5. aerobics: 有氧运动。 6. hula hoop: 呼拉圈。 Usage Tips 1. 在本对话中,有很多表示“时间频率”的词,如文中出现的once in a while, now and then, occasionally, 它们的时间频率都比sometimes(有时)这个词要低一些。而once in a blue moon则指“难得有一次,极为罕见”,其中blue moon在口语中是“很长的一段时间


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