《unit 5 helping our parents课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点五年级下册32891..ppt

《unit 5 helping our parents课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点五年级下册32891..ppt

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当询问他人正在做什么时,可以用以下句型: Let’s discuss! Listen! The bell is ringing. (听!上课铃正在响。) Let’s begin our class! (让我们开始上课吧!) read reading swim swiming dance dancing make makeing do doing draw drawwing run running 当你看到正确的动词ing形式请大声说:Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 看到错误的请说:No! No! No! What are they doing? sweep the floor sweet door wash the dishes watch fish fish 他们正在做什么? sweeping washing wash clothes make the bed making clean the table clean the car class tea cleaning 组内读词组 Unit 5 Helping our parents (Story time) What + be动词+主语+ doing? What are they doing? (他们正在做什么?) (你/你们正在做什么?) (他/她正在做什么?) What is he/ she doing? What are you doing? 思考: 小结 Tips: 我们将这个句型称为现在进行时的特殊问句! What is she doing? What is he doing? 如何回答? What is he doing? What are they doing? 主语+ _________ + 动词__________形式构成现在进行时的答句。表示某一个动作_______ 发生。 be动词 ing 正在 She is sweeping the floor. He is cleaning the table. He is cleaning the car. They are washing the dishes. 她正在扫地。 他正在擦桌子。 他正在洗车。 他们正在洗碗。 What are Mike’s family doing? Mike is ________________ in the morning and he is ________________in the afternoon. Helen is _________________in the morning and she is _________________in the afternoon. Read, underline and match!(快速阅读课文,画出相关句子并连线!Tips:小组讨论,请小组长记录并汇报 cleaning the car cleaning the table sweeping the floor washing the dishes Mike and Helen are busy(忙碌的). What are their family doing in the morning and in the afternoon? What are they doing in the morning/afternoon? cooking breakfast cooking dinner sleeping eating fruit and watching TV ? Perhaps(也许)he is … ing. Watch the cartoon and complete the form. 看动画 完成表格。Page 50 跟读课文 四人一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 Read in paragraphs.(分段读) Read together.(齐读) Read after one. (跟组长读) Tips:注意单词发音的准确和语音语调哦! Do you want to help your parents now? Many hands make light work. Please help your parents with housework and love each other! 请主动帮助你的父母承担家务,并且互相关爱


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