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PAGE 15 PAGE 15 广东加工贸易转型升级的路径探索 内 容 摘 要 对外贸易对广东经济有着重要影响,而加工贸易是对外贸易的重要组成部分。可见,加工贸易对广东经济的发展有着重要影响,并为广东的发展带来诸多好处。但是,我们要明白加工贸易的发展过程中也伴随着诸多问题,因此,如何促进广东加工贸易的转型升级是目前亟待解决的难题。 本文第一章介绍了研究背景、研究意义,简单分析了国内外的研究状况研究。第二,从加工贸易的经营方式、主体和产业结构的转型以及增值率持续提高等方面来分析广东加工贸易转型升级的现状。第三,阐述了广东加工贸易转型升级中面临着劳动力成本上升、过度依赖外资、加工贸易地区分布不均、加工贸易企业自主创新能力较弱等问题。第四,介绍了广东加工贸易转型升级的三个路径,分别为主体升级、产业升级、价值链升级。第五,结合广东加工贸易的实际情况,提出了政府加大支持力度,创造稳定的政策环境、鼓励内资企业发展加工贸易、优化产业结构,延长加工链、促进加工贸易产业向东西两翼地区和粤北山区转移、做好人才引进和培养、加强技术研发和自主创新升级等对策。 关键词:加工贸易;转型升级;政策建议 Exploration on the Path of Guangdong Processing Trade Transformation and Upgrade Abstract Foreign trade has an important impact on the Guangdong economy, and processing trade is an important part of foreign trade. It can be seen that processing trade has an important impact on the development of Guangdongs economy and brings many benefits to the development of Guangdong. However, we must understand that the development of processing trade is also accompanied by many problems. Therefore, how to promote the transformation and upgrading of Guangdongs processing trade is a difficult problem to be solved at present. The first chapter of this article introduces the research background and research significance, and briefly analyzes the research situation at home and abroad. Second, analyze the current status of the transformation and upgrading of Guangdongs processing trade in terms of the management mode of the processing trade, the transformation of the main body and industrial structure, and the continuous increase in the value-added rate. Third, it elaborated that Guangdongs processing trade transformation and upgrading faced rising labor costs, excessive dependence on foreign investment, uneven distribution of processing trade regions, and weak independent innovation capabilities of processing trade enterprises. Fourth, it introduces three paths for the transformation and upgrading of Guangdongs processing trade, which are the main body upgrade, industrial upgrade, and value c


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