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PAGE 37 内容摘要 随着新时代各种新型技术的进步和发展,进行游戏的媒介和方式乃至场所都发生了前所未有的变化。从以前人们面对面坐在桌旁对着静态的棋盘进行着博弈,到现今无需面对面,只需要拥有移动设备就可以无视距离的隔阂进行实时的交流和对战。高速发展的现在,人们偏向于能随时随地体验快节奏的多人对战休闲手游,以便于随时停止娱乐将生活重心投入到其他方面。 Unity作为游戏引擎,它在可扩展性、学习成本上以及社区资源,都拥有较多的优势,本次课题研究如何实现基于Pun多人游戏插件一款多人对战快节奏休闲手游。Photon Unity Networking插件封装了一系列网络通信方法,开发者可以直接调用方法实现简单的网络功能。该手游美术风格上采用体素风格,特点是简洁明快、易于制作。对于具有一定审美,且建模和绘画苦手的人来说,使用MagicalVoxel体素制作软件可以制作美观的场景和人物模型。本课题制作的手游需要虚拟摇杆来操作自己选择的角色,所以使用Unity的EasyTouch插件在移动设备两端制作可靠灵敏的虚拟摇杆。 现今主流的移动端游戏偏向于休闲对抗类的游戏,该手游以三对三的团队对抗游戏模式作为主要游戏模式,通过不同人物的游戏定位,鼓励玩家通过团队协作获得游戏胜利。 关键词:MagicalVoxel体素制作软件 Pun多人游戏插件 EasyTouch虚拟摇杆插件 多人对战快节奏休闲手游 Abstract With the advancement and development of various new technologies in the new era, unprecedented changes have taken place in the media and methods and even the venues for playing games. From the past, people sat face to face at the table and played games against a static chessboard. Today, there is no need to face face to face, and only need to have a mobile device to communicate and play against the distance barriers in real time. With the rapid development, people tend to experience fast-paced multiplayer casual mobile games anytime, anywhere, so as to stop entertainment at any time and devote their lives to other aspects. As a game engine, Unity has many advantages in scalability, learning cost, and community resources. This topic studies how to implement a fast-paced multi-player casual mobile game based on the Pun multiplayer game plug-in. Photon Unity Networking plug-in encapsulates a series of network communication methods, developers can directly call methods to achieve simple network functions. The art style of this mobile game adopts voxel style, which is characterized by concise and bright and easy to make. For those who have a certain aesthetic, and have a hard time modeling and painting, using MagicalVoxel voxel production software can create beautiful scenes and character models. The mobile game produced in this project requires a virtual joystick to ope


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