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PAGE 24 PAGE 24 内容摘要 随着如今互联网时代的到来,人们的生活方式也因互联网影响,发生了许多改变。1958年的《Tennis for Two》被公认为世界第一款电子游戏,随后80年代家庭游戏机的普及,让许多人的童年回忆变成了黑白屏的电子游戏。如今电子游戏被称为人类历史上的第九艺术,它使得人们的精神世界得到一种新的艺术来源。 近几年随着移动终端及互联网的发展,游戏玩家群体呈现扩大化趋势,行业总值也在不断升高,其中游戏引擎Unity越来越受到广大游戏开发者的喜爱与使用。而且目前市场上主流游戏大多数是射击类以及MOBA类型游戏,玩家们也希望能接触到更多类型玩法的游戏。 本论文将实现一款基于Unity3D的第三人称类型的解密游戏,这将区别于传统的密室解密游戏,第三人称的动作视角比传统第一人称的2D视角会带给玩家更好的体验与沉浸感,键鼠的操作比传统的鼠标点击解密带来操作感会更强,且关卡融入益智谜题让玩家在游玩时间也能得到一次满足的头脑风暴,因此我解密游戏还是有相当可观的发展前景的。 本文主要描述了游戏的开发原理,以及详细的设计与实现,为后来希望开发同类游戏的研究者者们提供借鉴与参考。 关键词:Unity3D解密游戏益智 Abstract With the advent of the Internet age, peoples lifestyle has changed a lot due to the impact of the Internet. In 1958, tennis for two was recognized as the first video game in the world. Then, with the popularity of home games in the 1980s, many peoples childhood memories became black-and-white video games. Nowadays, video game is called the ninth art in human history. It makes peoples spiritual world get a new art source. In recent years, with the development of mobile terminals and the Internet, the group of game players is expanding, and the total value of the industry is also increasing, in which the game engine unity is more and more loved and used by the majority of game developers. At present, most of the mainstream games in the market are shooting games and MoBa type games, and players also hope to have access to more types of games. This paper will implement a third person decryption game based on unity3d, which will be different from the traditional secret room decryption game. The third person action perspective will give players a better experience and immersion than the traditional first person 2D perspective. The key mouse operation will bring a stronger sense of operation than the traditional mouse click decryption, and the level will be integrated with puzzle puzzle to let players play time Can also get a satisfying brainstorming, so I decrypt the game still has considerable prospects for development. This paper mainly descri


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