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PAGE 48 内容摘要 随着时代的不断发展,如今的社会人们的经济消费愈加多样化,人们愈加需要管理自己的财物情况,因此出现了各种各样的理财工具,而寻求一款适用于当今人们的app成为一个难题。 在本文中,针对当今人们消费的情况以及对app所需要的功能体验作出了一系列调研和总结。在一开始,对记账app进行了功能需求以及用户体验调查,并且对当今国内市场上的流行的许多种app进行比对。结合了我国市场需求,发现了国内的人们更加需要一款视觉更加直观,操作更加便捷的app进行理财管理。因此按照市场所需进行了软件的开发设计,按照大学所学Android知识并且参照百度相关资料进行了此app的开发,此系统分层围绕用户界面和服务进行设计和实现,以用户体验为设计主题对界面进行优化。此外使用了当下最流行适用的云端数据库,把相关的消费数据从云端进行存取,减少了后端开发所需的工作量,为设计美观的界面流出更多时间。最后,对系统进行测试以满足用户的特定需求,给用户一个完美的使用体验。 关键字:移动开发 android系统 记账 Abstract With the continuous development of The Times, peoples economic consumption in todays society is increasingly diversified, and people need to manage their own financial situation more and more, so there are a variety of financial tools, and it has become a problem to find an app suitable for todays people. In this paper, a series of surveys and summaries are made on peoples consumption and the functional experience required by app. At the beginning, the functional requirements and user experience of accounting app were investigated, and many popular apps in the domestic market were compared. Combined with the market demand in China, we found that people in China need a more visual and convenient app for financial management. Therefore, the development and design of the software are carried out according to the market demand, the development of the app is carried out according to the knowledge of Android learned in the university and the relevant materials of baidu. The system is designed and implemented in layers around the user interface and services, and the interface is optimized with the user experience as the design theme. In addition, the most popular and applicable cloud database is used to access relevant consumption data from the cloud, which reduces the workload required for back-end development and leaves more time for the design of beautiful interface. Finally, the system is tested to meet the specific needs of users, giving users a perfect experience. Keywords: mobile development android system


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