基于Unity 3D的虚拟地震预防相关应对措施游戏的设计与实现.docVIP

基于Unity 3D的虚拟地震预防相关应对措施游戏的设计与实现.doc

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内容摘要 随着新时代发展和人们对天灾人祸的渐渐重视,人们会在互联网上学习逃生自救知识。游玩科普类游戏成为了学习的主流方式之一,从预防校园暴力到在火灾现场自救逃生,对于近年全球各地频发的地震,我们更应该予以重视进行灾前预防灾时自救的学习。在VR设备并未普及千家万户的今日,选择一款合适的3D游戏能更方便、仿真地感受到灾前灾时的现场变化,并根据现场情况及时作出反应。 Unity3D是一款游戏开发引擎,因为其上手快,平台广的特点在市场上被许多人认可并广泛使用。他能使得每个人在学习游戏设计时迅速适应并投入设计。本论文探索基于Unity3D的模仿在地震时的逃生自救游戏的开发,人们可以通过游玩这款游戏,摆脱被文字限制的思维,在游戏中切身体会到地震时紧迫的时间感和不同场景下不同决定带来的。游戏难度递进,通过传统的关卡设计将游戏的游玩难度逐渐提升,不同的场景进行不同的玩法设计,游戏特有的震荡感能为用户带来逼真的体验。现在的学生学习和上班族工作较为繁重,对业余时间的使用也会倾向解压和放松身心,通过游戏进行科普会使得在放松之余也进行了对防灾自救知识的充实。 本文主要描述了该游戏的开发原理,游戏的设计与完成、游戏的功能测试等内容。为后续希望开发同类型科普游戏的开发者提供一定程度的借鉴与参考。 关键词:Unity3D 3D技术 地震逃生 Abstract With the development of the new era and peoples gradual attention to natural and man-made disasters, people will try to learn the knowledge about self-rescue on the Internet. Playing popular science games has become one of the main ways of learning it. From the prevention of campus violence to self-rescue and escape at the scene of fire, we should pay more attention to the study of disaster prevention and self-rescue for the frequent earthquakes around the world in recent years. Today, when VR devices are not widely used in thousands of households, choosing a suitable 3D game can make it more convenient and simulate the scene changes during the pre-disaster, and react in time according to the scene situation. Unity3d is a game development engine. Because of its fast start and wide platform, it is recognized and widely used by many people in the market. It enables everyone to adapt and put into design quickly when learning game design. This paper explores the development of the game based on unity3d to imitate the escape and self-rescue in the earthquake. People can play this game, get rid of the thinking limited by words, and experience the sense of urgency in the earthquake and the different decisions in different scenes. The difficulty of the game is progressive. Through the traditional level design, the difficulty of playing the game is gradually increased. Different scenes are designed with diff


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