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摘 要 本次课题的游戏设计主题是基于unity2D的情景闯关游戏的设计与实现,也可以说是一个养成策略游戏,游戏玩家代入游戏主角,从主角的视角出发,通过游戏场景中提供的信息,判断游戏走向,在每次关键时刻做出的选择都会影响到游戏后续的发展。在游戏过程中游戏剧情完全按照玩家的选择意愿逐步进行发展。游戏注重玩家的逻辑思维以及一定要具有前瞻性,所有的信息线索都是有关联性的,但不是唯一的,所有找到的线索会关系到之后剧情的的发展。游戏的操作方式很简单,主要通过鼠标和方向键进行操作;但是玩家需要有一定的社会观和生活常识。 养成类游戏也可更形象的描述为梦想成真游戏,玩家只要跟着游戏剧情走,就可以在游戏中实现梦想并且获得自己想要的东西 ,在游戏中培养一个特定的人物,通过操控游戏人物的人生,来实现自己不能实现或日常生活中不敢做出行动的事情,在游戏中获得成功的成就感。 策略游戏则是一种激励玩家主动找到问题并且通过一定的方式去通关的游戏,游戏玩家通过使用一些技巧在游戏中找到关键的制胜秘诀,从而在游戏中获得成功。这次课题主要是融合这两类游戏集成养成策略游戏。在游戏中主角的人生走向由玩家决定。玩家可以在游戏中通过层层线索最终引导剧情的走向,走向成功或失败落寞的结局。 关键词:情景闯关 unity引擎 单人端游 网络游戏 角色扮演游戏 C# Abstract Game design theme of this topic is based on the unity2D scene to confirm the design and implementation of the game, also can saying is a development strategy games, game players into the leading role from the Angle of view of the protagonist, through the information provided in the game scene, judgment towards the game, each time the key moment choices will affect the follow-up to the development of the game. In the game in the process of the plot completely carried out in accordance with the players choice will gradually develop. Game pay attention to logical thinking as well as the players must be proactive, all of the information clues are relevant, but not the only one, after all find clues will be related to the development of the plot. Game mode of operation is very simple, mainly through the mouse and the direction key to operate; But players need to have a certain society and life common sense. Develop games more image can also be described as a dream come true game, players just follow the game story, can realize the dream in the game and get what they want, cultivate a specific character in the game, through the manipulation of the characters of life, to realize there cannot come true or dare not to act in everyday life, in the game for the success of a sense of achievement. Strategy game is a kind of incentive players take the initiative to find the problem and through certain way to customs


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