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内容摘要 科技的日新月异,计算机成了人类生活中不可或缺的一部分,说到计算机,游戏是不得不说的是其中的一个联想词,游戏本身所拥有的趣味性以及娱乐性,能大大的激发人类的兴趣。我们常说兴趣是学习最好的老师,那游戏能否和学习结合起来呢?毋庸置疑,答案是肯定的。教育类游戏早就已经掀起了一股热潮,在游戏中学习,在趣味中学习,能够让学习者沉浸在知识的海洋中。更能提高学习的效率和深刻所学的内容,加深印象。因此,教育类游戏在当今社会拥有无法估量的应用价值。 本课题的游戏设计是基于Unity3D游戏引擎,与火灾逃生这个生活实际问题所联系而开发的逃生知识类小游戏。火灾是令人恐惧的,因为火灾自我救援的意识和方法较为匮乏,每年有大量的人因为火灾发生时没有有效的逃生方法永远的失去了宝贵的生命。在本课题中,虚拟仿真真实火灾情况下我们该怎么做,在最佳自救时间内用有效且安全的方法逃离火灾现场,实现自救,是本课题的目的所在。 游戏、生活、学习,三者结合的前景已是一片大好,仿真类游戏来源于生活,而有益于生活,一种新颖且有趣的学习方式是很容易被人们接受的。在游戏中“身临其境”的学习火灾知识,安全无风险,却能学到真正有用的火灾救援知识。本课题将会介绍设计游戏的开发引擎、人物建模、场景设计以及人物动作、游戏玩法、游戏逻辑等等所用到的技术,进行一系列详细分析。 关键词:Unity3D 学习 虚拟仿真 火灾 游戏 Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, the computer has become an indispensable part of human life. Speaking of the computer, the game is one of the associative words. The fun and entertainment of the game itself can greatly stimulate human interest. We often say that interest is the best teacher for learning. Can games be combined with learning? The answer, of course, is yes. Educational games have long been a hot trend. Learning in games, learning in fun, can immerse learners in the ocean of knowledge. More can improve the efficiency of learning and deep learning content, deepen the impression. Therefore, educational games have inestimable application value in todays society. The game design of this topic is based on the Unity3D game engine, and the fire escape, a practical problem of life and the development of escape knowledge small game. Fire is frightening because of the lack of awareness and methods of self-rescue. Every year, a large number of people lose their precious lives forever because there is no effective way to escape when the fire breaks out. In this topic, how should we do in the case of virtual simulation of real fire? The purpose of this topic is to escape from the fire scene in an effective and safe way within the best time for self-rescue, so as to achieve self-rescue. Game, life, learning, the prospects of the combination of the three h


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