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PAGE PAGE 2 内容摘要□□ 自我国进入二十世纪八十代以来,国民经济如日方升,人民的生活方式也焕然一新,渐渐地人们对娱乐的需求越来越大,娱乐的方式也变得越来越多样化。然而电子游戏作为年轻一代的主要娱乐方式,其地位在年轻一代的心中也愈发重要。很多人都会通过游戏的简单操作完成有趣的任务,获得放松与快乐;通过角色扮演,在虚拟世界中寻找游戏的快感。2020年各行各业都受到了一定程度的冲击,游戏行业的发展也将充满了新的机遇和挑战。 本文主要阐述的是The twelfth door的详细开发过程,包括我的研究思路、该游戏的开发环境以和开发工具、游戏的需求分析、游戏素材的收集以及游戏功能的实现。The twelfth door是一款基于Unity3D游戏引擎的生存冒险解谜类游戏,玩家需要通过扮演冒险者的角色,通过信息和物品的收集,解决每一个房间里面的谜题,才能对应打开每一个房间的门,通过十二扇门即可获得胜利。该游戏主要考验了玩家的观察能力、解决谜题的能力、手动收集信息和物品的能力,更多地需要玩家自己去探索和研究。 本项目主要涉及到了Unity中场景的搭建、UI界面的设计、动画的创建、player玩家的移动与摄像机的跟随、背包系统的设计与实现和Event System响应事件。利用Autodesk 3ds Max 2014和Maya 2014进行建模,Unity3D引擎进行游戏设计,C#脚本语言编写游戏代码。 关键词: 电子游戏 角色扮演 Unity3D 解谜 Abstract Since our country entered the 1980s, the national economy has been rising rapidly, and the way people live has also been changed. peoples demand for entertainment is increasing, and the ways of entertainment are becoming increasingly pluralism.However, as the main entertainment method of the younger generation, the status of electronic games are becoming more and more important in the younger generations mind.Many people will complete the interesting tasks through the simple operation of the game to get relaxation and happiness; through role playing, look for the thrill of the game in the virtual world.In 2020, all trades and professions have been impacted to a certain degree, and the evolvement of the game industry will also full of new opportunities and challenges. This article mainly describes the detailed development process of The twelfth door, including my research ideas, the development environment and development tools of the game, the demand analysis of the game, the collection of the game materials and the implementation process of the game functions. The twelfth door is a survival and adventure puzzle game based on the Unity3D game engine. Players need to solve the puzzles in each room by playing the role of an adventurer and collecting information and items in order to open each room.Open all the


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