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年产5000吨保健黄酒的工厂设计 摘要 保健黄酒是在传统黄酒的基础上,添加具有提高机体免疫力的活性物质等强药理作用的枸杞,经蒸饭、落缸、前发酵、后发酵、压榨、澄清、杀菌、成品等工序加工而成的养生型黄酒。 传统发酵有耗费大量人力、生产工艺繁琐、不能连续生产等缺点,本设计的关键是在传统的发酵工艺上改进,采用机械化生产新工艺,是以传统黄酒生产工艺为基础,采用液态发酵法,将枸杞清液添加到黄酒的酿造工艺中,加入纯种麦曲与纯种酒母共同发酵。黄酒机械化酿造具有占地面积小、质量比较稳定、劳动强度小、生产效率高等优点。 设计适合年产5000吨的保健黄酒的生产工艺流程,并且构思黄酒工厂的布局,达到年产5000吨的目标产量,以此获取利润。根据设计完成的黄酒的工艺流程,计算出原辅料的确切的投入量是多少,然后根据不同的工序选择与之相匹配的生产设备,计算需要花费多少成本。尽可能节省成本及对减少对周围环境造成的污染。 关键词:养生型黄酒;机械化;液态发酵法;工厂设计。 Annual output of 5000 tons of Health yellow rice wine production factory design Abstract On the basis of traditional yellow rice wine, Health yellow rice wine is a health yellow rice wine made by adding Chinese wolfberry with strong pharmacological effects such as active substances to improve the bodys immunity..It needs to be processed by the process of steaming rice, falling cylinder, primary fermentation, after fermentation, squeeze, clarification, sterilization, finished products and so on. Traditional fermentation costs a lot of manpower。The production process is also trival.And it cant continuous producing.The keyof this desigh is toimprove the traditional fermentation technology.It adopts the new technology of mechanized productionbased on the traditional yellow rice wine production technology.The juice of Chinese wolfberry, pure wheat koji and pure yeast were fermented together. The mechanization of yellow rice wine brewing has the advantages of small area, stable quality, low labor intensity and high production efficiency. Designing the production process which is suitable for the annual output of 5,000 tons of health wine, and designing the layout of the yellow wine factory in order to achieve the annual output of 5,000 tons of target output and obtain profits.According to the process flow of yellow rice wine designed, the exact input amount of raw materials is calculated, and then the corresponding production equipment is selected according to the different procedures.Next calculating the total cost.Saving the costs as much as possible


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