《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语讲义教案)2 news writing style 新闻写作风格.doc

《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语讲义教案)2 news writing style 新闻写作风格.doc

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Chapter 2: News Writing Style Overview News style (also journalistic style or news writing style) is the prose style used for news reporting in media such as newspapers, radio and television. It put the emphasis on not only vocabulary and sentence structure, but also the way in which stories present the information in terms of relative importance, tone, and intended audience. Every element of the style serves a special purposeto communicate effectively and to convey information to mass audience accurately, clearly, concisely and impartially. News writers must learn to present the information in as interesting and simple a manner as possible so that almost everyone will want to read and be able to understand it. First of all, reporters need to avoid excessive formality. Use as simplify words, sentences and paragraphs as you can, eliminate unnecessary words, and let your news story be precise. Content Choosing what to include in your story is only one part of writing the news story. If you wish to do the job well, you must also think about the way in which you write it. There are a number of things which you need to keep in mind if you are going to write clearly. Ⅰ Simplify Words, Sentences and Paragraphs 1. To simplify stories, avoid long, unfamiliar words. Whenever possible, substitute shorter and simpler words that covey the same meaning. Examples: Approximately about construct build Summon call residence home A airplane crashed, an FAA official explained that its engines were experiencing fuel starvation. ran out of gas He gave assistance to the victims He helped the victims. (Simple) His association with the bank began in 1996. The bank hired him in 1996. (Simple) Some women were engaged in conversation with their neighbors. Some women were talking with their neighbors. (Simple) 2. Keep the language and grammar clear and simple.


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