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PAGE PAGE 2 华中科技大学考试卷(B卷)答案 课程:计算机网络(闭卷·电信系提高班)(2011) 题号 一(8分) 二(8分) 三(8分) 四(8分) 五(8分) 六(8分) 题号 七(8分) 八(8分) 九(8分) 十(8分) 十一(8分) 十二(12分) 得分 1. Fundamental conceptions of network architecture. (1) Draw the ISO/OSI reference model and TCP/IP model, state their differences briefly; (2) Select one of the above architectures, what is the data unit processed in each layer, what kind of equipment can be deployed in each layer? (1)ISO/OSI 参考模型 TCP/IP 模型 两者的区别: TCP/IP 是事实上的互联网结构,而OSI参考模型只是一个理论上的模型没有得到实际的应用 TCP/IP 没有严格的分层,而OSI模型分层很严格。 在TCP/IP模型中,IP协议是整个网络结构的的关键点。 TCP/IP模型中,允许有很多不同的网络技术,从以太网到FDDI,到ATM,到单一的点到点链路。 TCP/IP强调对所提交协议的实用性。 (2) OSI模型: 物理层:比特 , 中继器 数据链路层:帧 , 网桥/交换机 网络层:包/数据报 路由器 传输层:消息/段 网关 上三层:消息 网关 得分 2. System design in networking There are some famous design principles mentioned in our course. Please tell the meaning of following principle in brief. For each principle, give one example following it and one example not following it. (1) Keep it simple and stupid (2) Complex edge and simple core (1)KISS原则 在设计当中注重简约的原则。 符合该原则的例子:以太网 不符合该原则的例子:令牌环/ATM/FDDI (2)边界复杂,核心简单 使网络中的主机比较复杂拥有许多功能,能解决很多问题,而网络中的节点则比较简单,将网络中的许多问题留给网络两端的主机来解决。 符合该原则的例子:分组交换, DiffServ 不符合该原则的例子:电路交换, InteServ 得分 3. Circuit switching and packet switching Assume we wish to transfer an n-byte file along the following network. Suppose each link has a propagation delay of 2 ms, bandwidth of 4 Mbps. the switches support both circuit and packet switching. If we use circuit switching, circuit setup requires a 1-KB message to make one round-trip on the path incurring a 1-ms delay at each switch after the message has been completely received. Then we can send the file as one contiguous bit stream. If we use packet switching, we can break the file up into 1-KB packets, in which 24 bytes of header and 1000 bytes of payload. The switch takes 1-ms process delay after receiving the packet, and then sent it continuously. (1) Take the link from A to C as example; draw the time line based diagram


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