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Mobil Pegasus™ 1 Page 1 of 3 Mobil Pegasus™ 1 Mobil Industrial , Malaysia Gas Engine Oil Product Description Mobil Pegasus™ 1 is a high performance synthetic gas engine oil designed to meet the highest performance requirements of the most demanding naturally aspirated and turbocharged stoichiometric and lean-burn gas engines. It is formulated from wax-free synthetic base oils and a balanced additive system to provide performance that is unattainable with conventional mineral oil-based gas engine oils. The potential benefit is an improved bottom line through improved engine and oil life, reduced maintenance costs and lower fuel costs. The unique formulation of Mobil Pegasus 1 minimises ash deposits, piston land and ring belt deposits, liner scuffing, and valve seat and valve face wear. It has outstanding resistance to oxidation and the inherently high viscosity index of the synthetic base oil components ensure a protective lubricant film at high temperatures well above the limit for mineral oil-based products. Mobil Pegasus 1 exhibits low volatility, a performance characteristic that helps reduce oil consumption and improve valve lubrication performance measurably. Its unique viscometrics and low traction coefficient reduce power losses and provide potential fuel economy benefits, particularly under variable load, speed and temperature conditions. Features and Benefits The state-of-the art technology used in Mobil Pegasus 1 is designed to provide a high level of engine performance in a wide range of high-output gas engines. Its outstanding oxidation resistance and thermal stability provide extended service life for both the engines and the oil. In addition, the unique properties of Pegasus 1 will result in lower internal friction under cold start-up


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