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天津市和平区 2019-2021年(三年)七年级第二学期期末考试英语试卷分类汇编 阅读理解 天津市和平区2020-2021学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题 四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,41~45每小题2分,46~55每小题1分,共20分) 阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Tom and Mike work in a computer company. One day, a customer entered the office. She looked at Mike and Tom, and then she walked to Mike. Mike gave her a warm greeting (问候). Tom was sad and walked away. People always choose Mike, I dont understand. Tom said. Its the way you communicate (交流)Mrs. Smith said. How can that be? Tom asked. dont have a chance (机会)to speak. Communicating is more than just speaking. Your body language is important too, Mrs Smith said. Body language? Tom asked. Its the way you stand and sit. Its the expression on your face. Your never smile and you dont turn your head towards them. Mrs Smith said. Look at Mike. Hes holding his head up. He always smiles and looks friendly. His body language is making people feel comfortable, so they go to ask him for help. Then Tom improved (改进)his body language. He started to sit up straight and try smiling at people. 41. Where does Mike work? A. In a hotel. B. In a bank. C. In a school. D. In a computer company. 42. Why did Tom feel sad? A. Because his boss was strict. B. Because he didnt like his job. C. Because he was very hungry. D. Because the customer didnt choose him. 43. The underlined word “expression” mean _______________ in Chinese. A. 表现 B. 感情 C. 表情 D. 态度 44. We can know that Mike ___________________. A. never smiles B. looks friendly C. gets on well with his boss D. came to the company many years ago 45. What can you learn from the passage? A. Tom doesnt like his customers. B. Tom and Mike never talk with their boss. C. Customers like Mike because hes very handsome. D. Body language is very important when we communicate with others. B Winnie the Pooh is about 100 years old. It is my favourite, and Im sure its also yours. Do you know how it came to our life? Winnipeg is a place in Canad


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