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PAGE PAGE 1 八年级英语试题 (时间60分钟 总分120分) 一、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2.5分,计50分) 阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A Lost Cat Please help me to find our cat. His name is Fluff and hes a Persian cat. The photo is an old one--Fluff is bigger now. Fluff went missing from our home on Christmas Day of 2011. If you find him, please phone me at Im Jack Lim and my address (地址)is: 32 Lavender Lane, Singapore 532981. Reward (奖励) for finding Fluff: $ 50.00 ( )1.?The?name?of?the?cat?is?_____. A. Persian B. Fluff C. Lavender D. Jack ( )2. If you find the cat, you can call its owner(主人) at _____. A. 532981 B. 918435 C. D.( )3.Peter found(发现) the cat and he can get______. A ﹩5 B﹩50 C ﹩500 D ﹩15 ( )4. The cat may live in _____ A . America B China C England D Singapore ( )5. This passage is most probably from a _____. A. map B. dictionary (字典) C. guidebook(导游册) D. newspaper B Its Friday afternoon. Two girls are going home from school. One is Mary, the other is Jane. An old woman comes up and asks,“Excuse me, can you help me?” She has a big bag in her hand. “Of course, Granny. What can I do for you?”Mary and Jane ask. The old woman says, “Im coming to see my daughter, but I cant find her house. Here is her address.”“We can take you there,” say the two girls. They help her find her daughter. How happy they are! The two girls say “Goodbye”to the Granny and her daughter. “Could you tell me your names, please?” asks the Granny. With a smile, they run away. ( )6. The two girls are going_______. A. to see a film B. to see a friend C. to school D. home ( )7. An old woman says to them,“______ ?” A. Can I help you B. Can you help me C. Let me help you D. Where are you going ( )8. The old woman has ______in her hand. A. a box B. a big bag C. a basket D. a small bag ( )9. They say“_____ ”to the Granny and her daughter. A. Goodbye B. Thanks C. No



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