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大学专业考试试卷 河南师范大学大学英语2考试试卷及参考答案2 Part I. For each of the following 20 incomplete sentences, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 1.The university ___ him an honorary degree. A、acquired B、awarded C、compete D、promote 答案:B 2.Do the plans meet with your ___? A、fortune B、degree C、approval D、rate 答案:C 3.Mr. Smith was ___ to organize the international conference. A、define B、delegated C、denote D、delegation 答案:B 4.His love ___ her to overcome every difficulty. A、suppress B、isolated C、stimulated D、sting 答案:C 5.The audience ___ heartily to his speech. A、reacted B、recalled C、received D、reflected 答案:A 6.He ___ his friend for the job. A、recommended B、prompted C、suggested D、advised 答案:A 7.We were ___ with excitement. A、overtaken B、overvalued C、overpass D、overwhelmed 答案:D 8.The school puts ___ on reading. A、embrace B、emphasis C、emphasize D、employ 答案:B 9.He will ___ on smoking. A、cut away B、cut down C、cut in D、cut off 答案:B 10.Her ___ is to get a college education. A、objective B、conviction C、resistance D、publication 答案:A 11.Though he was rich, he still ___ conscious. A、budget B、expenditure C、spend D、cost 答案:A 12.The long drought caused a(n) ___ short age of water. A、shrewd B、keen C、actual D、acute 答案:D 13.She ___ the amber necklace with a string of pearls to see which she liked better. A、displaced B、placed C、replaced D、disposed 答案:C 14.His ___ spirit urged him on to ever greater feats. A、nervous B、restless C、exciting D、thrilled 答案:B 15.She ___ her way into the best circles. A、elected B、elbowed C、went D、appointed 答案:B 16. —I think I should wear a dress instead of this jeans. —It’s just a small informal party, so you don’t have to_____. A、 warm up B、 put up C、dress up D、 keep up 答案:C 17. We’re all ready to put it into operation, _____, we’re goin



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