2022年中考英语二轮复习:阅读理解 专项练习题精选汇编(含答案解析).docx

2022年中考英语二轮复习:阅读理解 专项练习题精选汇编(含答案解析).docx

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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 79 页 2022年中考英语二轮复习:阅读理解 专项练习题精选汇编 完形填空 1.Hello,my name is Wendy Miller.Wendy is my(1)    name.I am an English girl.This is a(2)    of my family,You can see(3)    people in it.These are my grandparents.They are my fathers (4)   .They are in the middle of the picture.This is my father.(5)    name is David.This is my mother,Amy.She wears a (6)   jacket.Blue is her favorite color.My parents have four children,two sons and two daughters.Jason and Henry are my brothers.Jason is nine.Henry is eight.Im six.Can you(7)   the girl in red?She is my sister,Mona.She is four.(8)    that woman in yellow?She is my (9)   .Shes my fathers sister.Oh,Kimi is in this photo,too.Kimi is the name(10)    my dog.Its my good friend.What color is it?Its black and white. (1)A.family B.first C.next (2)A.name B.photo C.number (3)A.seven B.eight C.nine (4)A.parents B.friends C.uncles (5)A.His B.Her C.My (6)A.yellow B.brown C.blue (7)A.see B.say C.have (8)A.Whats B.Whos C.Hows (9)A.sister B.daughter C.aunt (10)A.in B.of C.on 2.The Bone in Throat Once upon a time,there was a lazy wolf living in a forest.Near his house was a pond.Many animals came to(39)    to drink water.The wolf was always there in search of food. One day,he was sitting near the pond,hoping to get something(40)   .When suddenly he saw a dead bull, Aha!What a luck!Now I can eat all I want. he thought and his (41)    started watering. He began to eat the bull.A thought came into his mind, if (42)    beast comes this way,he will ask for a share.I had better eat (43)   . ‘Grub!Grub!Grub! he chewed,faster and faster.Suddenly,a piece of bone stuck in his throat. Ohh!Errk! cried the wolf.He tried to pull it out of his mouth.He tried to cough it out but it didnt (44)   .Next,he tried to swallow (吞) it down but he failed. Ooh,the bone in my throat hurts me.What(45)    I do now? thought the wolf.Soon he remembered that a crane (鹤) lived on the nearby river bank. The wolf went to the crane and pleased, My dear C



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