2022年中考英语专题复习:句法 专项练习题精选汇编(含答案解析).docxVIP

2022年中考英语专题复习:句法 专项练习题精选汇编(含答案解析).docx

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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 17 页 2022年中考英语专题复习:句法 专项练习题精选汇编 一.选择题 1.The girl _______ off the horse.Luckily,she didnt hurt much.(  ) A.falls B.fell C.is falling D.will fall 2.﹣Has Alice arrived yet? ﹣No,her car broke down on the way.Im afraid she the meeting.(  ) A.misses B.missed C.will miss D.is missing 3.You are a big beautiful bird!(  ) A.became B.become C.becoming 4.Everyone in my class ____ carefully when a tall boy sneezed loudly.(  ) A.is listening B.was listening C.are listening D.were listening 5.Look at the stamps.I______them for five years.(  ) A.Kept B.have kept C.have bought D.bought 6.﹣Did you hear me call your name just now? ﹣No.I_______ to my mom on the phone.(  ) A.talk B.talked C.have talked D.was talking 7.He said that light _____much faster than sound.(  ) A.has traveled B.travel C.travels D.traveled 8.I______a big house for my family if I______a lot of money.(  ) A.would buy;had B.would buy;have C.will buy;had D.bought,had 9.﹣ After 1000﹣day waiting,Meng Wanzhou finally returned to our motherland . ﹣ How excited!Our country is much more powerful and Chinese_____in many foreign countries.(  ) A.is taught B.are taught C.are teaching 10.In the year of 2020,each of us by the people like Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan who taught us how to fight against the difficulties in life with a strong will.(  ) A.were greatly encouraged B.greatly encourages C.greatly encouraged D.was greatly encouraged 11.—A high﹣speed railway in our hometown before 2020. —What exciting news!Will it pass your house?(  ) A.is building B.will build C.have been built D.will be built 12.More dinosaur fossils(化石),including footprints,bones or eggs,could ________ in the future.(  ) A.discover B.be discovered C.have discovered D.be discovering 13.The restaurant down the street _________ since the owner of it ______ to another province.(  ) A.has closed;moved B.has been closed;moved C.has closed;has moved 14.By?the?time?the?firema



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