2022年中考英语专题复习:阅读理解 专项练习题精选汇编(含答案解析).docx

2022年中考英语专题复习:阅读理解 专项练习题精选汇编(含答案解析).docx

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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 75 页 2022年中考英语专题复习:阅读理解 专项练习题精选汇编 一.阅读理解 1.Around the world,summer vacation means long days,sunshine,swimming,sleeping in and most importantly,no school. Hundreds of years ago,students took the summer off to help their parents in the fields.Today,summer is full of fun﹣ no work.A summer vacation means so many chances for kids:summer camps,sports,hobbies or catching up on studies. If youre lucky,during the weeks away from school,you can volunteer,travel or go to a camp.Its time to do a part﹣time job to learn a new skill.You may (A) hang out with friends all day.Some kids like to swim in the swimming pool. (B) But remember not to swim in the lake or in the river! If youre not so lucky,summer vacation may mean summer school﹣ a long,hot summer inside the classroom. Whatever your plans are,make this summer a good one.Take on a project!Learn something!Help someone!Make this summer one to remember. (1)填空:根据文章内容,填上合适的单词,使句意完整,每空一词(每空1分,共2分) In the Summer vacation,children have more     to do things they like.They can     themselves and learn something useful too. (2)选择:选出A处划线单词 hang out 在文中的意思。(1分)     A.悬挂B.闲逛C.打电话D.担忧 (3)将文中B处划线句子译为汉语。(2分)     (4)列举:Summer vacation means     all over the world.列举两条。(共2分) ①   ②    (5)用英语回答问题。(3分): Do you like the coming summer vacation?Why or why not?What are you going to do?     2.Natural disasters are a part of life,and there is no way to (A)stop them from happening.However,the harmful effects of natural disasters can often be reduced if you know some safety rules. First, (B) stay away from places where natural disasters often take place.For example,the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northern Japan happened in exactly the same place as other serious disasters in the past.Because of past disasters,some towns were moved away from the area,and warnings were posted everywhere reminding people that if there was (C) earthquake,a t



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