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D 316. dad(daddy) (n) 爸爸 , 爹爹 ( 口语 ) 317. daily (a, ad, n) 每日的 ; 日常的。每天,日报 There was little change in their daily lives. 他们的日常生活几乎没有变化。 My father goes for a walk daily. 我父亲每天散步。 . A new daily will appear soon in our town. 一张新的日报不久将在我市问世。 318. dance (v, n) 跳舞 ; 舞蹈 We enjoyed ourselves at the dance party. Take party in a dance 参加舞会 Give / hold a dance 举行舞会 319. danger (n) 危险 Danger! Keep out! 危险,请勿入内! Children ’s lives are in danger every time they cross the road. 孩子们每次过这条马路都面临 着生命危险。 Doctors said she is now out of danger. 医生说她已脱离生命危险。 How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs? 有多少产业工人可能失业? 320. dangerous (a.) 危险的 The traffic here is very dangerous for children. 这里的交通对孩子很危险。 It would be dangerous for you to stay here. 你呆在这儿不安全。 The situation is highly dangerous. 形势十分危急。 321.dare (v, aux v)敢 ;竟敢 How dare you ask me such a question? 你怎敢问我这样的问题 ? My younger sister dare not go out alone. 我妹妹不敢单独出去。 He did not dare to leave his car there. 他不敢把车停放在那里。 322. dark (a. n) 黑暗 ,暗处 ; 黄昏 , (颜色 )深的 ;暗淡的 Its getting dark. 天快黑了。 There are dark clouds in the sky. 天空乌云密布。 She is wearing a dark blue sweater. She could see nothing in the dark. 她在黑暗中什么也看不见。 Don’t go out aloneafter dark. 天黑后不要单独外出。 323. date(n) 日期 ; 约会;枣 What ’s the date today?今天几号? I ’ve got a date with Lucy tomorrow night. 明天晚上我与露西有个约会。 【补充 】out of date 过时的 / up to date 必威体育精装版式的 324.daughter (n) 女儿 【补充 】daughter-in-law. 儿媳妇 325. day(n) 天 ;白天 ; 时代 , 日子 (复 ); 节日 What day is it today? 今天星期几? We’ re going away in a few days . Take the medicine three times a day. We can ’t go there today. You can go another day. 我们今天不能去那儿,你可以改天去。 He works at night and sleeps during the day. Most women stayed at home in those days. 新世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站 版权所有 @新世纪教育网 在那个时代大多数妇女都呆在家里。 The life used to be very interesting in my school days. 在我学


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