初中英语_ Why dont you talk to your parents Reading Period2教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_ Why dont you talk to your parents Reading Period2教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 1、知识与技能目标: 掌握以下单词 pressure, compete, opinion, skill, typical, cut out, continue, compare, crazy, push, development, usual 掌握以下句型 a. I believe these activities are important for b. People shouldn’t push their kids so hard. c. Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s important to have happy children. 2、技能目标: 四读法:一读大意,二读细节,三读语感,四读主旨。 3、情感目标:学会释放压力 (二)教学重难点 培养学生根据上下文猜词的能力,在篇章理解的基础上归纳表述的 能力,教学的难点在于让学生在写作过程中自然、合理地运用本节课所 学的语言。 (三)教学过程 Step1 Pre-reading Watch a video. Why doesn’t Mike like the weekends? 【设计意图】男生A发现男生B郁闷,询问原因,男生B因为周末需要完成作业并上课外辅导班而闷闷不乐。(A,B是班上的同学,话题与学生生活息息相关,所以在观看时,学生会产生共鸣。)以此视频为铺垫,过度到本课话题,并通过视频设置好本节课的任务,学完课文后给Mike写信,实现目标评价教学的高度一致。 Step2 While-reading Fast-reading How many paragraphs are there in the article? Divide the passage into two parts Guide the students to say the main meaning of each part. The first part: facts (Both Chinese students and students in other countries are busy.) The second part: opinions. (Three persons’ opinions) 【设计意图】让学生快速阅读将文章分为两部分,从整体上把握文章结构,然后归纳每部分的主要内容,为后面的教学进行铺垫。 Careful-reading 1. Students read part one and fill in the blanks. 设计意图:了解第一部分的细节。 2. Students read part two and find out the opinions of each person. 3. Read Para.2 and answer the questions: Why does Cathy Taylor think it is important for kids to join after-school activities? What do you think of the after-school classes? 4. Read Para.3 and answer the questions: Linda Miller think people shouldn’t push their kids so hard ? What do you think of these things? 5. Read Para.4 and answer the questions: Why does Dr. Alice Green think kids should have time to relax and think for themselves? What’s your opinion? 【设计意图】学生通过对每个人观点的学习引发自己的思考,初步学会阐述自己的观点。 6. Read the whole passage again and think it over: When we want to discuss something, what should we say? 【设计意图】学生通过思考,再次理解文章结构,为之后的写作做出铺垫。同时,老师在黑板出示在探讨某个问题时如何表述自己的观点并提出建议,降低之后的写作难度。 Step 3. After-reading Write a letter to Mike. 【设计意图】学生运用所学,进行语言输出,首尾呼应,帮助Mike解决问题。 Homework Find some useful ways


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