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语法复习之非谓语动词的“三头六臂” Step 1 体验并分类:找出非谓语并说明用法 Hello, I’m Li Hua. This is the second year that I have been in this school. Founded in 1950, our school celebrates her 70th birthday this October. Having benefited so much from her, my classmates and I decide to prepare a gift for her 70th birthday. Some advise introducing the history of our school to friends and relatives, while others hold the view that showing them around our school is a better way to make her known. I choose the latter. Look! The building being built now is our gym. Having been reported many times by the media, our football team is famous all around the country. Their skills are said to have been valued by many other schools. I would like to have joined it. Time lost never comes again. I wish to be studying abroad in the future. Much needs to be done to improve my English. Keep it up, Li Hua! Step 2非谓语之“10般变化” 主动形式 被动形式 动词不定式 一般式 to do to be done 进行式 to be doing ---- 完成式 to have done to have been done 动词-ing形式 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done 过去分词 只有一种形式done Step 3过去分词作定语(前置或后置) The movie,____________ (adapt) from Chinese ancient myths(神话) , has gained a great many positive comments. Nezha, _____________ (direct) by an ______________ (know)(不出名的) director Jiaozi,is a huge box office hit.(大获成功) The _____________ (appeal vt.吸引人) movie tells us the _____________ (inspire vt.激励) story of Nezha . But the audience _________ (sit) in the theatre were surprised to find their former hero Nezha is just an ugly boy __________ (wear) the dark circles under his eyes . to be done, being done ,done作定语区别: 1. This is the newly-designed Nezha _____________ (blame) for his ugly appearance at the beginning. 2. This is the newly-designed Nezha _____________ (accept) for his ugly appearance now. 3. This is the newly-designed Nezha __________________ (appreciate) for his ugly appearance in the future. Step 4分词作表语 Nezha was ____________ (bear) from a devil pearl (魔丸) , who has gained super power . Unfortu


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