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应用文汉译英句子翻译练习(六) 1.健康问题与不良饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼有关。 2.好学生必须会把他在书本里读到的东西与他在周围所看到的事物联系起来。 3.我在考虑毕业后当老师,因为老师常被认为是人类灵魂的工程师。 4.这位指挥家被认为是一位成就斐然的伟大音乐家。此外,他是体贴和慷慨的。他正在考虑把他所有的财产捐给慈善机构。 5.你毕业后和同学们还保持联系吗? 6.这个地图集有40幅地图,其中包括3幅英国地图。 7.这位科学家因对国家做了这么大的贡献而受到奖励。 8.最后,一些好的英语学习网站也对我的英语水平提高起了很大作用。 9.如果政府采取一系列调控措施的话,高房价是可以得到控制的。 10.如果你8月份方便的话,我想请你到那里去参观一下。 11.你能在方便的时候过来帮我一把吗? 12.如果你不方便的话,我们取消这次约会吧。我们可以在你方便的时候做这件事。 13.让我担心的是你的陈述不够令人信服。 14.我应该充满信心,增强自己的能力以实现目标。 15.我想知道你们在国外是否有业务联系。 16.她忙于准备考试。 17.职业女性总是很忙。工作日他们忙于办公室工作。周末他们忙着做家务。 18.明天是我的生日,我能够邀请你来我的晚会吗? 19.面对危险你必须保持镇静。 本次活动的目的是提高人们环保的意识。 1.Health problems are connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise. 2.A good student must connect what he reads with/to what he sees around him. 3. Im considering becoming a teacher after graduation because a teacher is often considered to be the engineer of human souls. 4.The conductor is considered to be a great musician with considerable achievements. Besides, he is considerate and generous. He is considering giving away all his belongings to charity. 5.Have you kept in contact with your classmates after graduation? 6.The atlas contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain. 7.The scientist was rewarded by the government for having made such a great contribution to the country. 8. Finally, some good English study websites contribute a lot to my improvement in English. 9.Too high house prices can be brought under control, provided that the authorities introduce a series of regulatory policies. 10.If it is convenient to you in August, Id like to ask you to go there for a visit then. 11. Can you come and give me a hand at your convenience? 12.If it is inconvenient for you, let’s call off the appointment. We can do it at your convenience. 13.What concerns me is your statement is not convincing enough. 14.I should be confident and build up my capacity to achieve my goal. 15.I wonder if you have any business connections abroad. 16.She was busy (in) preparing for the examination. 17.Career women are a


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