选择性必修一Unit1 英译中.docx

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PAGE 1 PAGE 1 / NUMPAGES 2 UNIT 1 RELATIONSHIPS(英译中) Topic Talk trait 2. niece 3. nephew 4. humour 5. passionate 6. flu 7. outgoing 8. host 9. grateful 10. secondary 11. incredible 12. occasionally 13. emotional 14. extremely Lesson 1 practical 16. angle 17. triangle 18. for the first time 19. hydrogen 20. drag 21. rocket 22. pour 23. pour into 24. fuel 25. lack 26. presentation 27. a couple of 28. used to 29. behaviour 30. acid 31. onion 32. access 33. worthwhile 34. educationalist Lesson 2 feedback 36. handle 37. preference 38. upset 39. ashamed 40. raise 41. intention 42. demanding 43. effective 44. highlight 45. tense 46. manner 47. sensitive Lesson 3 social networking 49. socialise 50. laptop 51. constantly 52. app 53. associate with 54. associate 55. mate 56. barely 57. reserved 58. obsess over 59. distracted 60. bend 61. reality 62. million 63. chatter away 64. inch 65. delay 66. dominate 67. rude 68. stimulation 69. desperate 70. obsess 71. deadline 72. scroll 73. extraordinary 74. flow 75. chase 76. intense 77. dorm 78. depressed


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