选择性必修一 Unit 3 英译中.docx

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PAGE 1 PAGE 1 / NUMPAGES 2 UNIT 3 CONSERVATION 英译中 Topic Talk conservation 2. plastic 3. destroy 4. mining 5. item 6. recycle 7. unrecyclable 8. informative 9. threat 10. switch 11. have a role 12. do ones part 13. rhino 14. illegally 15. hunt 16. horn 17. extinct 18. incredibly 19. urgent Lesson 1 die out 21. species 22. wipe 23. wipe out 24. unusual 25. mass varied 27. asteroid 28. decrease 29. blame 30. be to blame 31. affect be at risk 33. endangered 34. solar 35. hatch 36. restore Lesson 2 packet 38. set out 39. packaging 40. coconut 41. consumer 42. wasteful wrap 44. shell 45. transportation 46. dirt 47. swallow 48. realistic innovative 50. refillable 51. aware 52. collection 53. bin 54. reusable anxious 56. carton 57. cutlery 58. chopsticks 59. council Lesson 3 destruction 61. stuck 62. jam 63. traffic jam 64. stressed out 65. annoyed roadworks 67. anger 68. suit 69. regular 70. cancer 71. relate be related to 73. gas 74. decade Writing Workshop essay 76. organic 77. involve 78. institute 79. poultry 80. billion opponent 82. cruel 83. instance 84. for instance 85. claim 86. chemical drug 88. sum 89. sum up Reading Club 1 committee 91. temple 92. Confucius 93. memorial 94. carve 95. valley scenic 97. historic Reading Club 2 98.thunderstorm 99. typhoon 100. agricultural 101. Atlantic


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