选择性必修一Unit2 英译中.docx

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PAGE 1 PAGE 1 / NUMPAGES 2 UNIT 2 SUCCESS (英译中) Topic Talk persistent 2. determined 3. optimistic 4. astronaut 5.disciplined 6. injury 7. committed 8 enthusiastic 9. ambitious 10. appreciative 11.make sense 12. career 13. commitment 14. cooperation 15. employee Lesson 1 millionaire 17. comfortably 18. professor 19. symbol 20. ultimate 22. guilty 23. fortune 24. dormitory 25. furniture 26. appreciate 27. hunger 28. get on 29. drop out Lesson 2 hybrid 31. influential 32. devote 33. devote...to 34. production 35. minimum 36. publisher 37. contract 38. motivating 39. championship 40. reject 41. limit 42. distraction 43. convince Lesson 3 extreme 45. strive 46. encyclopaedia 47. entry 48. academic 49. defensive element 51. workout 52. intensity 53. selfish 54. sacrifice 55. countless ruin 57. skip 58. hire 59. triathlete 60. boil 61. normal 62. boil down to sth enormous 64. stay in 65. length 66. rugby 67. apply oneself to sth 68. apart set sb/sth apart 70. platform 71. injured 72. outstanding 73. average Writing Workshop iron 75. hammer 76. recognised 77. contribute 78. style 79. retire retire from 从········退休 81. leadership 82. devotion Reading Club 1Reading Club 2 advanced 84. forwards 85. collapse 86. reference 87. faith discipline 88. found 89. rejection 90. fashion 91. designer 92. bitterly promotion 94. bridal 95. label 96. entrance 97. income


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