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Words to Know afford 及物动词 vt. 1) (常与can, could, be able to连用)买得起;有足够的...(去做...) [+to-v] They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not. 他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。 We cant afford to pay such a price. 我们付不起这个价钱。 2)【书】提供,给予[O1] Dancing affords us pleasure. 跳舞给我们带来快乐。 2. Advise 1)及物动词 vt. 1. 劝告,忠告 We advised her that she (should) wait. 我们劝她等。 We advised him against acting in haste. 我们劝他不要匆忙行事。 2. 当...的顾问[(+on)] 3. 通知,告知[(+of)][O5][O6] Please advise us of any change in your plan. 你们的计划倘有变更,请告诉我们。 4. 建议采取 2)不及物动词 vi. 1. 劝告,忠告 I advised against their doing it. 我劝他们不要做这件事。 2. 当顾问[W] 3. 建议 4. 【美】商量 He advised with his partners before making the decision. 他在作出决定前曾与合伙人商量过。 3. hesitate 1)不及物动词 vi. 1. 踌躇;犹豫 Don‘t hesitate about that. Do it at once. 对于那件事不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧。 2. 说话吞吞吐吐 2)及物动词 vt. 1. 有疑虑,不愿意[+to-v] He did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him. 他毫不犹豫地请她坐在他身旁。 →hesitation n. Detailed Study of the Text A 1.Many people are often very busy with a variety of things at work or at home, so they have no time for entertainment. This is a bad phenomenon. We should make an effort to look for relaxation. 许多人经常忙于工作或家中各种各样的事情,所以他们没有时间娱乐。这是一个 不好的现象。我们应努力寻找放松。 ◆be busy with sth. 忙于某事 I was busy with my children. 我忙於照顾孩子。 The plan for the new book is on ice at the moment. Ive been busy with too many other things. 写那本新书的计划暂时搁一下,我一直忙于太多其它的事情。 ◆a variety of 多种多样的 it has a variety of forms. 所以它也就有了不同的形式。 ◆make effort to do sth. 尽力做某事 You will fall the exam if you dont make effort. 如果你再不努力些的话,你会考不及格的. I decided to make one more effort. 我决定再作一次努力。 2. Lacking of relaxation is really harmful for one’s health. 缺乏放松才是对人真正地有害健康。 ◆lack of 缺少… The flowers are wilting for lack of water. 这些花因缺水而渐渐枯萎。 Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgment. 她的决定似乎显示出缺乏政治判断力。 The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food. 干旱少雨使原本就很严重的粮食短缺问题更加严重。 ◆be harmful to/for … 对…有害 Acid rain is harmful to amphibians such as salamanders, spring peeper



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